Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm Far From Close

It was a good morning workout, preceded by a read through a couple chapters of Genesis and Matthew and a listen to my church's new worship CD. This song was on my heart when I awoke:
I spend my life to know
And I'm far from close
To all You are
The greatness of our God
No sky contains
No doubt restrains
All You are
The greatness of our God
AM workout:
  • 10-1-3 EDI (with 10-count, 15-count, and 10-count holds)
    • Glute ham
    • Front delt (1.5-lb dumbbells)
  • 5-min extreme slow
    • Wall squat
    • Front delt (1.5-lb dumbbells)
  • 10 sets of 3
    • Altitude drop legs
    • Rebound curls (10-lb dumbbell, one arm at a time)
Lunch time swim: I did it! I made my first goal! I'm still far from close to where I need to be, but if I keep getting faster I'll eventually get there. So my first goal was under 8 minutes (I started at 8:10 on 12-17), and it's taken me less than a month to achieve it: Today I swam my 500 in 7:59! My times are all really similar to what they have been (Saturday 1-09-10: 1:27, 1:44, 1:35, 1:50, 1:37 for 8:14; and Tuesday 1-05-10: 1:27, 1:39, 1:41, 1:39, 1:37 for 8:04):
  • 1:24
  • 1:38
  • 1:40
  • 1:40
  • 1:36
I did stay at or under 1:40, which is better than going above, and it keeps my times closer together rather than being all spread out. Plus my first one was 3 seconds faster than the last two times. This definitely had something to do with having a partner in crime, Jonell, join me in the pool. I wasn't drafting off her (although I wanted to), but having someone else in the water along side me did make me work harder!

The PM workout was very similar to the morning one:
  • 10-1-3 EDI (with 10-count, 15-count, and 10-count holds)
    • Glute ham
    • Front delt (5-lb dumbbells)
  • 5-min extreme slow
    • Zurcher squat (20-lb bar)
    • Front delt (5-lb plate)
  • 10 sets of 3
    • Altitude drop legs
    • Rebound curls (20-lb bar)
For the altitude drops, I started out on the short box because one guy was using the tall (30") one to jump onto. The guys he was working out with didn't want to use that tall of one, so I traded with them. Then they watched me, then they asked me why I wasn't just jumping off the wall, then this woman (Harriet) asked what I was doing and what it was doing for me. I had just been thinking about that this morning and should have asked Will (along with other things) but didn't, so I just tried to explain that it was teaching me to turn my muscles on quickly, as soon as I hit the ground, so that I would stop as soon as I landed. She kept saying she couldn't do it because of her age (50+), but I encouraged her to just stand there and try it, and then to jump off a little platform (2"), and then to think about using her muscles. She was encouraged, and I left happy (with a brownie from Clint...yum!).

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