Monday, January 5, 2009

5 on, 5 off thru 40; 3+ mi run

I think I'm finally starting to understand the whole "lifting and lowering your legs with your hamstrings and glutes" concept. There is a marked difference in how fast my feet hit the ground when I lift higher. And of course, when my feet hit faster, I move faster. I definitely will continue working on that, now that I sort of know how it feels. I also was watching Will on Saturday--when he was doing RLs and every time he got on the ice, he did the same thing. So he transferred the same movements (and probably the same feelings) from practice/training to the competition.

Today was 5 on, 5 off through 40 seconds (actually, this was Saturday's, but Will had more fun things for me to do).
  • Wall squat
  • 1-leg squat, both legs (this still pulled my knee like I mentioned earlier; I didn't ask Will about that this weekend. Hopefully we'll have another time.)
  • Glute ham: I did standing extreme ham instead, since I'm at a hotel and have limited equipment access.
  • Scap pull up: I had no pullup bar, so I did more of a lat pull down. I asked Will for a substitute, and he said that push up (since curl is already on the list) would be a good one. Unfortunately, he told me that too late, so I'll just have to remember that if there's a next time.
  • Curl: 10-lb dumbbells.
I just don't feel like I worked very hard. I mean, I was sweating afterward, but I wasn't really tired and felt like I could do them all over again. I thought I was making myself work, but maybe not. I wish I could, at least weekly, work out with someone. Oh, well, it's not going to happen now.

I had class all day, so I didn't even get to enjoy the 75+ degree weather. I did look outside a couple times, though. We finished around 5:45, and I headed out to Honeymoon Island, where there is a state park.

I was hoping to run along the beach, but the sun was already setting as I was driving, and by the time I arrived the park had closed. So I took a picture of the sign, drove back 1.7 miles, then got out and ran. Partway through, I got stopped by a boat going under the drawbridge that they had to raise and stopped the watch.
  • Out: 12:46
  • In: 12:46
Well, it was nothing if not consistent!

This is where I was running, but I couldn't see any of it. In fact, I could barely see the water from my car when I was parked on the beach.

It was quite hazy.

Honeymoon Island, Dunedin, Florida

Honeymoon Island, Dunedin, Florida

I don't know why, but today I was feeling particularly lonely. Perhaps lack of sleep, less food than normal, and being away from home have something to do with it. The being away from home thing I'm not sure about. I mean even if I were at home, I would still be in my apt. alone. So what made today different? I was pretty much clinging to every word Will and Allison texted. Even running and driving was lonely. There's only so much one can do by herself and still enjoy. I wish I had a traveling companion (although I know I have Jesus with me, the best friend and traveling companion in [and out of] the world) who could drive to Honeymoon Island with me, who could watch the owl or hawk perch, who could run with me, who could sit in the hot tub with me and listen while I bare my soul.

I probably could have answered more openly when Will asked me where I want to go, but I really don't think he cares and I didn't want to bore them. I still would really love to live near him so that I can have him to workout with. Having someone push me would be so beneficial. And him, knowing all he does, being near would be ideal for me as far as working out goes. But I know that I would like him more even though I'm sure he's not interested in me--I'm much more plain (not a blond cheerleader or dancer or model) and less social (people wear me out physically and mentally) than any girl he's dated. But I really have no idea where I stand with him; he have never talked about it, but as much as I like him, I more so (at least now) consider him a brother, which he is (thankfully).

God, I desperately want to obey You. I do not want my feet, lips, mouth, gaze, heart, or eyes to ever turn from you. Thank You for creating the owl, the sea and dry land, man to inhabit the earth and glorify You. Thank You for the skills You've given me. Help me to multiply my talents wisely to bring glory to Your name.

I know I'm feeling restless, but I don't know if that's because I'm tired, on vacation (Hawaii then Florida), or lonely (Allison just moved, Lisa's on another team, and Will's going back to AZ when he can), or if it's because You want me somewhere else. Help me to be ope to staying or leaving to go anywhere; I want to be obedient to Your word no matter what. Thank You for Bill and Nancy, who have people their lives for me to see and who are becoming friends (yet leaving in March). I definitely why I don't make more friends (although there would be a higher probability of more staying around here...and of more moving); it's so hard saying goodbye when they move and I know I will rarely if ever see them again. God, give me peace so that I can rest in You and understand that You alone have the answers and know what's best for me, Your daughter. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sins. Give me courage to never neglect an opportunity to share that truth and Your hope with others.

Proverbs 5:21-23 For man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own folly.

Proverbs 16:1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.

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