Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nevado de Limon

AM workout:
  • Lunge: rebound, with 20-lb dumbbell on chest, as many as you can; repeat 4 times, alternating starting leg (R, L, L, R, R, L, L, R)
  • Low squat calf jumps: as many as you can, 4 times
  • Calf jumps: 10 with 15-sec iso at top: hold 5-lb dumbbells (we used 1.5 lb)
  • Plenty row: 5 min iso R, L; the first time (L foot out), my legs failed at 3:20 and I fell. Then I stood back up and continued. The second time, my legs failed at 4:58. That tells me I should be able to do a 5-minute lunge (even though this was slightly supported).
Lauren and I hit the Factory and Hobby Lobby to do a little Christmas shopping. We were quite successful, finding a great present for ARenee and bday/Christmas presents for Luke.

PM workout:
  • Low squat calf jumps: as many as you can, 4 times
  • Calf jumps: 10 with 15-sec iso at top; hold 5-lb dumbbells; repeat 4 times
  • Speed RL: 10 half lunges with 15-sec iso after last; repeat 4 times, alternating starting leg
  • Push up: 10 rebound, 15-sec iso at bottom after last one; repeat 4 times
  • Russian twist: 5 each side, 15-sec iso at side after last one; repeat 4 times, alternating starting side
Then I made something new: Nevado de Limon. Lana gave me a Spanish cookbook a long time ago and I had yet to make anything from it. I was inspired by Angel, one of our church's partners in Peru, who gave us a little report in Spanish about his church.

Here's the recipe:
  • 1 paquete de galletas Marías (1 package Maria's cookies or 1 box vanilla wafers)
  • 1 lata de leche condensada (la lechera) (1 can sweetened condensed milk)
  • 1 lata de leche evaporada (1 can evaporated milk)
  • 10 limones chicos o 5 limones medianos (10 small limes or 5 medium limes; ~1.5 cups))
  1. En un vaso, exprimes los 10 limones para tener el jugo listo.

    That's a lot of lime juice!

  2. Se vierte la leche evaporada en el vaso de la licuadora, después la leche condensada. Se licuan que se mezclen.
  3. Una vez mezcladas las leches; sin apagar la licuadora le viertes el jugo y esperas a que se incorpore. La mezcla debe quedar densa.
  4. En un molde de vidrio o plástico, colocas una capa de galletas y la cubres con la mitad de la mezcla, luego otra capa de galletas y el resto de la mezcla.

    The finished product

  5. Se deja en el refrigerador 1 hora y se sirve frío.
  1. In a bowl, juice the limes. Set aside.
  2. In a blender or food processor, add the evaporated mile. Then add the sweetened condensed milk. Blend.
  3. While blender is still on, add the lime juice. Blend well.
  4. In an 8×8 pan, put one layer of cookies on the bottom. Pour half of the lime mixture on top and spread. Add one more layer of cookies and pour the rest of the lime mixture on top. Spread to hide the cookies.
  5. Refrigerate 1 hour, cut into squares and serve cold.
By: Gabriela Montemayor de Cisneros

I was happy with how it turned out (had to taste it just to make sure it was OK!).

Two single servings...taste-testers! My taste-tester (Will) told me it was very good but "puckery"—lime juice will do that!

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