Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Swim Times Revisited

The last time I recorded 100 times was way back in April: 8×100@5sec RI: 1:42.5 average, 1:38, 1:41, 1:43, 1:44, 1:44, 1:44, 1:42, 1:44.

I recorded a few again today during my 1,200, which I did as 300 pull then 100 normal, 3 times total. I actually can't believe I missed only 1 split (500), since there was a guy on my right and a guy on my left who were stopping frequently and talking over me. It was distracting to say the least.

  • 1:36, 1:46, 1:48, 1:39, 3:19 (1:39.5?), 1:48, 1:38, 1:38, 1:43, 1:43, 1:35
  • 1:41 average (I didn't include the tenths in my calculation)

So my first and last were the best, but my average was fair and I felt great. Considering that I kept missing the wall and pulled 75% of the time, I'm encouraged by how I swam.

I got out on my bike after work and had a great mostly recovery ride. It was just over 18 miles, took me just over an hour, and was super windy. Even though the first part was mostly downhill, it was slow. And even though the second part was mostly rolling to up, I FLEW south down Wilson Pike. I almost didn't want to turn back toward home because the wind felt so good, but I knew if I kept going I'd eventually have to turn around (then into the wind).

The hazard mark indicates road construction on Galleria Boulevard. I usually take the long way back because it's also the safest and the best place to cross (over) the highway. But there weren't any warning signs up that the road was closed, so I went thinking I'd make it through and ended up having to turn around and modify my route slightly.

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