Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baking Day

Sunday was a fun baking day. I made Applesauce Raisin Cookies and 1930s Cookies (just the dough because it has to be refrigerated for 36 hours), roasted almonds, made supper, and watched Psych. Good thing it was chilly outside! Oh, it was nice enough for a 45-minute ride on the trainer followed by a 30-minute run outside (followed by a little hike through part of our apartment grounds and the cemetery). It's too bad the trails aren't very long (about 0.2 miles total!).

Simmering raisins; the cookie recipe called for 2 cups, but I recommend doubling that because the few that I tried had no raisins in them!

Roasting almonds...enhances flavor and aroma

Setting out the necessary ingredients

Another project I started; I needed something to do with all my t-shirts

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