Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Run (No Swim)

Today's temperature was much to high to swim. It hasn't been 40+ degrees for a few weeks, and I just had to get outside. So I went to the DHY and ran 2 miles on the path out back. 15:13, 7:37 pace. My HR average was 176--yikes! The good news is that it took me only about 45 seconds to get it down to the 140s after I finished. Mile 1 was 7:49, mile 2 was 7:24. Mile 1 is mostly uphill, which of course means that mile 2 is mostly downhill, hence the significantly faster mile. But it's pretty comparable to the next (and maybe only this year) 5K I'll be doing, so if it stays above freezing I might decide to run instead of swim.

For the afternoon workout, I did another that I'd already done but threw a little bit of running in between exercises. Just a few times around the MFY track each time, nothing to long or slow, just a mile total including my half-mile warm up.

These were all phasic exercises that will hopefully help me be fast (since they basically make you turn your muscles on and off as quickly as possible). It was the same methodics for all exercises: 10 reps, 3-count rest, 15 reps, 3 rest, 20 reps, 5 rest, 25 reps, 5 rest, 30 reps, 10 rest, 35 rest, 10 rest, 40 reps.

  • Standing front delt
  • Bent over lateral delt
  • Leg curl
  • Leg extension
  • Bent over front delt
  • Biceps curl
  • Hip flexion
  • Hip extension

The last on the list was 1-leg dead lift, 30 each side, 45-lb bar. I used a 40-lb bar instead and did only as many as I could before I felt like the bar was about to slip, switch sides, repeat, until I reached 30 total.

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