Monday, January 10, 2011

Blue Lightning in the Snow

We got an inordinate amount of snow last night! It's beautiful, and here's Blue Lightning (Dad named it) to give you some perspective:

Christmas morning in PA...

January 10 morning in TN...

I headed to the Y, and my little car got me there safely, even though the roads were only half plowed. Thank you, God, for keeping me safe!

Chocolate—so named because that's half of what it is!

After work, Val and I headed to MFY before they closed to get a little workout in. We warmed up and then lifted, doing a few different things than normal that we'll probably feel tomorrow. And, since we were done earlier than normal, I had some time at home, which meant cooking and finding some good stuff in my mail!

I've been craving donuts, so now it's time to get some free ones!

Supper! Yum!

And the best mail: My cycling license. Cat 3, with Team Belladium. It's going to be a great year!

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