Saturday, November 14, 2009


This time last year Nancy and I were taking trips to IN to watch Will play. I miss those trips and spending time with Nancy; she is full of wisdom and happy to impart it. She doesn't have girls in her family but still likes to do girl things, so she invited me to join her downtown Nashville at the Christmas Village thing at the fairgrounds. There were a number of booths set up in the buildings, and we found a few interesting places. The favorite by far was the Cherry Republic, from Michigan, that had a number of sweet treats that were all cherry-themed. I found some good stuff!

Then it was off to lunch (McDougals; see more on that below) and shopping with Lauren.

Yes, she is in a cart (with a good excuse, though; her ankle has been hurting and was wrapped in an ace bandage)

We found some good things for a 12-year-old and 13-year-old girl for Christmas. I had a few ideas but knew Lauren would enjoy it and have some other ideas as well.

Today's run was so much fun. I was excited to run and was actually nervous like I would have been before a race. Since I only am running once per week, it's like there's a little pressure riding on each run. Today definitely did not disappoint. We went to Pinkerton Park in the middle of the afternoon with half of Franklin. Fortunately the path is plenty wide and I only had to run on the grass once. Here are the results from today and last time (November 1):

  • 10:39, 1.79 miles, 5:58 pace, 137 HR (200 max; avg HR def not accurate); Approx. 8 minutes, 1.33 miles, 6:03 pace, 150 HR (197 max) HR
  • Lap 1: 1:48, 5:33 pace (4:57 best), 0.33 miles; 1:26, 6:00 pace (5:14 best), 0.25 miles
  • Lap 2: 1:56, 5:55 pace (4:55 best), 0.33 miles; 5:22 best pace
  • Lap 3: 1:41, 5:48 pace (4:51 best), 0.29 miles; 5:22 best pace
  • Lap 4: 1:39, 5:39 pace (4:53 best), 0.29 miles; 1:27, 6:03 pace (5:25 best), 0.25 mi
  • Lap 5: 1:58, 7:16 pace (2:42 best!?!?), 0.27 miles; 1:28, 5:42 pace (5:03 best), 0.26 mi
  • Lap 6: 1:34, 5:45 pace (5:20 best), 0.27 miles; 1:10, 5:54 pace (5:08 best), 0.20 mi

Lap 5 was obviously way different from all the rest. Will thought it was because I forgot to be fast. I agreed and also thought it was because I went out at a pace. I didn't realize that until I ran the next one and it felt so different. Laps 2 and 5 were around the 2 switch backs of the track. After Lap 3, we took a nice long break because my stomach wasn't very happy with me. It could have been from the McDougals' chix, fries, and ice cream that La and I at for lunch (but that was at noon and this was nearly 3:30) or it could have been just from running at a higher intensity.

Will was at a lot of places along the path and would remind me of things. He reminded me (numerous times) about my arms, which are too high (my hands are like at my chest and come in, which means I'm probably collapsing my chest). Once when he reminded me I straightened up and I could feel a physical, immediate difference; it was significantly easier to breathe! What stopped me again this time was that I felt like I just couldn't breathe well any longer. It could be partly that I start breathing loudly and know that's a tell that you're getting tired. I tried to push past it was long as I could, but that ended up being only about 3 seconds. Definitely need to work on that!

We also did a bonus sprint at the end, just to end up at the mile marker:

  • Sprint: 400 ft (.075 miles or ~130 yards)

I came home for a quick supper and then we went to the Landings' workout room. We didn't to the full workout because he said it's a fun one. If the two exercises we did are any indication, it will be a fun, hard workout!

  • Push up: 5 on, 5 off thru 30 with 10lb
  • Curl: 1 minute rebound
  • Push up: 5 on, 5 off thru 30 with 20lb
  • Curl: 1 minute rebound
  • Wall squat: 5 on, 5 off thru 30
  • Lunge R, L: 1 minute rebound
  • Wall squat: 5 on, 5 off thru 30
  • Lunge L, R: 1 minute rebound

Lauren had invited me to her bonfire, so I went over, met ARenee's friends, spent some times with seven 10-year-old girls (Anna, Millie, Bailey, Addison, Leah (?), Lauren, and Maddie), and then played games with Luke, La, and UJohn.

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