Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CompuTrainer Class: Torture Test V

My goal for each test is to improve from one to the next. Today was no different. Last time, I'd done 13:38 (somehow I recorded it as 13:48, though) and 229 watts. I wanted to improve that time and those watts today. My ultimate goal is to get under 13:30, or closer to 13 minutes than 14 minutes; I don't have an ultimate watts goal, just continual improvement. I made my first goals but not my ultimate goal. Still, I felt good and am happy.

It was apparent to everyone though (including me, but only 8 minutes in, much later than Lynn and Lisa C and everyone else noticed) that I go out way too hard. I first looked up at 8 minutes in, and my average watts were 241. Next time I looked up I was at 238. Yikes. I didn't want to be dropping! Lisa said she wanted to tell me to settle down right from the start, so I can't even imagine what I started at!

The first list below is the workout from today. The second list is all my test results.

  • 1:10:40, 148 HR (198 max)
  • 50:40 warmup, 138 HR
  • 13:37 test, 190 HR, 237 watts, 22.0 mph
  • 6:20 cooldown, 15x HR

May 4, 2011, Torture Test 5: 13:37, 237 watts
March 3, 2011, Torture Test 4 Part 2: 14:26, 202 watts (high-tempo ride)
March 1, 2011, Torture Test 4: 13:38, 229 watts (time edited 5-4-11)
January 6, 2011, Torture Test 3 Part 2: 14:58, 185 watts (tempo ride)
January 4, 2011, Torture Test 3: 14:06, 217 watts
March 25, 2010, Torture Test 2: 13:56, 223 watts
January 28, 2010, Torture Test 1: 14:22, 208 watts

This morning I was most impressed with the results that Anna and Cali posted: 13:02 and 13:06, respectively (Anna's average watts was 236 and I didn't catch Cali's, but it was around the 258 she did last time). Those are results I aspire to achieve...hopefully sooner down the road rather than later! I found out later that Parri tested after we left and bested her 13:01 women's record with a 12:5x and 26x for watts. Amazing!

In the afternoon, I met Anna and Val for some cornering work. We rode 18.8 miles in the neighborhood below.

Starting from Otter Creek Church, we rode a little to warm up and then alternated who led for a couple miles, just to get ourselves comfortable around all kinds of different corners—tight, open, lots of sight, lots of distractions, little visibility, right turns, left turns, etc.

Then I assumed for 15 minutes what's becoming one of my favorite positions. Time to rest and recover a little before bed!

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