Thursday, July 16, 2009

Still No Time to Swim; Can Pyramid

This is a can pyramid that Matt made at's a big one and it's kinda gross thinking about all the soda that was consumed to create the pyramid.

The worst part is that at least three-fourths of the 64 + 49 + 36 + 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 204 cans came from one person over a span of about 3 weeks. Oh, my.

This morning I went to the Y, hoping to be able to swim but knowing I wouldn't have time. I'm hoping the rest of my workouts will carry me through this weekend, because I don't anticipate a lot of time to ride, run, or swim this weekend.

5 on, 10 off thru 30
  • Lunge R, L: My steps were really good, and I worked really hard at working harder than last time, pulling deeper than last time, and keeping my legs straight (i.e. not bowing my knees in or out).
  • Glute ham: Again, I was really trying to work harder by pulling with my glutes and hams harder than last time. Because if I don't work harder, I won't get better. And if I work harder, I should get better!
  • Push up on knees: I tried to pull as deep as I could with my lats while driving my chest up. Sometimes it seems impossible.
  • Preacher curl: I used a light bar, probably too light or I wasn't using my lats and driving my chest up enough, because I didn't really feel like I was working.

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