Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crit Race #3--Can't Get a Win!

The pack all together...the story of the evening

Ugh. They put me down as 3rd place even though I beat Marsha to the line for 2nd. Oh, well; I don't know how to argue that one since they don't have cameras and it really was close.

Starting the sprint in probably not the best position

The finish...a hair is about as close as it was

From Race #1: Race + cool down: 21:57, 7.77 miles, 21.2 mph (which means it was over 21.5 avg), 486 cal, 169 HR (197 max!); second place behind Marsha, who I couldn't catch up to in the allotted time--and she only had a few seconds on me...bummer!

From Race #2: Race + cool down: 21:29, 7.89 mi, 176 HR (we averaged 22.3 mph according to the bike before the CD and 22.0 according to the Garmin after the CD); 4th place in a field sprint

Today's Race #3:
  • Multisport totals: I did not run because I was expecting Nancy to have been there and wasn't prepared. Plus I wanted to get home and get ready, and yet here I am on the computer. 29:54 (but I started the clock well into my warm up); 9.91 miles; 604 cal, 158 HR
  • Warm up: 6:52; 2.03 miles; 17.7 mph, 140 HR
  • Race + cool down: 20:40 + 2:20; 7.50 + 0.38 miles; 21.8 mph; 467 + 16 cal; 165 HR (196 max); third place behind Olga and Marsha. Olga won straight out and I caught Marsha before the line, but the judges said that she got me.
As I said, I didn't run. Tomorrow will be a short swim, ISOs, work, and on the road to Pennsylvania! If I had time to ride, I definitely would. Fortunately my legs didn't feel as exhausted today as I'd expected them to.

Sitting at the back for a lap or two

The two teams with two people...but neither of us could make anything happen

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