Wednesday, July 18, 2012

NC.Com Crit #6

Tonight Valerie, Shelly, Catherine, and I raced against 11 other women at my 6th-of-2012 crits. I had already done a hard workout this morning and didn't know how I'd feel, but I was determined to work hard. Jes was pretty aggressive, and so was Katie. I reacted well to most of their attacks but was a little slow to react to the one that stuck. Plus once I saw that Catherine was with those two and AJ, I decided to let them go to see what Cath could do. That left me with Leah, Kathy, and Shannon. I sat in with them for about 10 minutes (for real – I did no work during that entire time) and then attacked with 4 laps to go. I didn't want to sprint against any of them, and I wanted to see if maybe I could catch Catherine's group.

The lead group had slowed down (I could tell because I was timing around to corners to see whether we were gaining on them or they were gaining on us). We were gaining on them at that point, so it was my best chance. Plus I was running out of time! I ended up not catching them but also staying well ahead of Leah and the others (who nearly got lapped at the finish line) and finished by myself in 5th place. Not the win I would have liked, but I did like being able to stay by myself for 4 laps in the headwind we had! AJ ended up winning, and Catherine finished in 4th place. She said afterward that she could have used me in that group with her, so next week I'll make sure I'm in the break that stays away.

Pictures from here

7-18-12 Stats: 30:04, 11.29 miles, 22.5 mph, 179 bpm; 5th of 15
6-20-12 Stats: 30:06, 11.21 miles, 22.3 mph, 185 bpm; 6th of 16 (no post)
6-16-12 Stats: 40:18, 15.36 miles, 22.9 mph, 186 bpm; 1st of 14
6-13-12 Stats: 39:40, 11.37 miles, 23.0 mph, 187 bpm; 4th of 23
5-30-12 Stats: don't have them; 3rd of 21
5-23-12 Stats:  31:08, 11.63 miles, 22.4 mph (31.1 max); 3rd of 12

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