Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cookeville TN State Crit: Race Report

Jes and me on the back stretch

It's hot outside!

112* on the highway...110* in the city...
this is crazy!

This heat is what we had to race in today.

Race course, I think. It might be a little off.

Lee came out to the P/1/2/3 race to support me, and I was grateful she was there. Only 8 of us were in the race: Liz, Jes, Pam, Lee, and Robin (Cat 2s); and me, Katie, and AJ (Cat 3s).

Liz, Pam, AJ, Jes, me, Robin, and Katie
(Lee is in there somewhere too)

We all stayed together throughout the first part of the 35 minutes, until about 7 to go there was a crash in the 2nd turn and Katie and AJ went down. Robin was behind them and wasn't able to catch back on right away, so Lee, Pam, Liz, Jes, and I continued.

Working with Lee – or making Lee work :-)

Katie ended up getting back on her bike and trying to catch up, so in those last few laps I went from trying to win the race to aiming to keep Katie from catching back up. That meant I finished 4th overall, but it also meant that I won the 3s race and became the 2012 TN State Crit champion! Woohoo!

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