I asked Todd between the first and second efforts (the first two boxes in the graphic) what it was supposed to feel like; he said it should feel like I was behind Parri when she was on. I had just mentioned to Valerie that it felt like Parri had pulled me up a 16-minute hill, so it was the perfect feeling and effort level and confirmation from Todd. For the remainder of the class, I imagined I was on Parri's wheel and would not let her get away for any reason. My HR was not as high as it has been on other days, so my drafting visualization must have really helped.
- Total ride: 1:39:25, 157 bpm (177 max), 216W
- Warm up: 9:39, 107 bpm
- Warm up: 20:00, 156 bpm; 4min rest, 149 bpm
- Tempo #1: 16:00, 171 bpm; 3min rest, 165 bpm
- Tempo #2: 11:00, 172 bpm; 3min rest, 163 bpm
- Tempo #3: 11:00, 169 bpm; 3min rest, 162 bpm
- Tempo #4: 11:00, 165 bpm; 4min rest, 143 bpm
- 110 RPM spin: 1:00, 152 bpm
- Cooldown and sprint: 2:52 143 bpm, 657W
The sprint at the end was not the 699 best I've previously achieved, but I'm still sprinting better this year than I was at this time last year!
I heard the following this morning and had to share:
"'He made Him who knew no sin'" (2 Corinthians 5:21) – That's a pretty short list—there's only one who knew no sin!" – John MacArthur in The Gospel According to Paul. Here is the entire verse, because it really is amazing: "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
Afternoon workout: 10×10 sec, 2 sets: lunge (1 set), standing ham, wall squat, bench w/30 lb, curl w/20 lb, crunch. This was pretty awful. I didn't want to do it, didn't feel like doing it while I was doing it, had very tired legs, but did it. All the while wishing Will were here to push me...