Monday, June 25, 2012

Tour of America's Dairyland III and IV: Waukesha and Greenbush

Sunday Crit: Waukesha

Sunday we raced a 40-minute crit in Waukesha. The course was fairly flat and about 0.85 miles; it was clockwise and a little technical. Turn 1 was more than 90* and went from a wide to a narrow road; the finishing stretch was a terrible road. I didn't look up at the clock until we were 33 minutes in. I didn't get tired at all, and I was paying attention to my position and what the other women were doing, so I didn't have time to look at the clock. We were under 6 laps to go at that time, so I did start paying attention. I won a prime in this race and ended up 12th of 34 Cat 3/4 women.

Waukesha - Game face!

Waukesha crit

Photos here

After the race I spent the evening at dinner with my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins, and then returned to my grandparents' house. I don't get to see them often enough, so it was fun to be there for the night.

Greenbush podium:
Amy (1st), Kailin (2nd), Vanessa (3rd)

Post-race tanning, err, waiting for the awards ceremony

Monday Road Race: Greenbush

2 laps = 20 miles

Monday we raced a 2-lap, 20-mile road race. It was short and hilly. Around mile 4 is a little climb; it is not significant, but it is not nothing, either. It's a little stair-step climb that is pretty much over by mile 5, but when the pace is night it feels a lot steeper and harder than it is. I stayed with the group, and at mile 17 or so we all (25+ maybe) were neutralized for at least a mile while we waited (and waited and waited) for the men to pass us. They should have let us finish our race and neutralized the men, but oh, well, it worked out OK for me. We had a lot of time to chill/drink/think/plan, and I used it well. Since by the time we were able to race again we about 2 miles left, I quickly moved up from my back-of-the-pack position to top 10. Then I waited for someone else to jump and when she did, I went with her. When she let up, I went around her and started basically an early sprint/super-short TT to the final left-hand turn and the uphill finish line. I managed to stay away from most of the riders but not from Amy P, who clipped me at the line. I finished the race in under 60 minutes and 2nd of 42 women. Hooray for a podium!

After the early-morning race, I went home and chilled, went to dinner with Mike and Michelle, and then watched Mike's softball game with M. We saw a few others who I haven't seen in quite a while, so it was definitely a pleasant evening.

Climbing - Not my fave
Photo here

East Troy (6-22-12) stats: 36:38, 14.4 miles, 23.6 mph
Grafton (6-23-12) stats: 42:22, 16.55 miles, 23.4 mph
Waukesha (6-24-12) stats: 39:39, 15.05 miles, 22.8 mph, 182 bpm
Greenbush (6-25-15) stats: 59:41, 20.01 miles, 20.1 mph, 164 bpm

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