Friday, October 7, 2011

Hawaii Ironman Pre-race

We've been busy in Kona doing some pre-race stuff, and it's been fun with my cousin Allison because she knows all the pros and all the places to be. We've seen tons of athletes, and I love being around all of them. Every time I come here I get to wanting to do this race eventually. It will have to wait another year or so, but it's still staying high on my list.

This was my view after Dad was done going through transition

Me, Meg (Mom and Dad's friend), and Dad after dinner, in front of the King Kam Hotel

Mom and Dad in their Cliffhanger t-shirts

I haven't done too many workouts since Wednesday (when I ran and did 5×1 min wall sits at an airport: yesterday Allie and I ran, rode, and swam 20 min each with Dad. Today I ran 1.5 miles and then hitch-hiked the rest of the way to my destination. Tomorrow we'll be on our feet all day having fun--I'm thinking about wearing my Garmin to see how far I go total. Having fun, loving life!

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