Friday, February 7, 2014

Link Roundup for the Week

Here are my favorite links to click through this week.

Interview with six Seattle Seahawks players/coaches by Mark Driscoll
Part of Peyton Manning's legacy -- NFL video about thank you notes
Runners World Rapid Muscle Response workout video
Sports Spectrum video interview with the Seahawks
Making of a Champion short documentary video about the Seahawks
Ironman free-entry contest
Tim Tebow makes lemonade by BreakPoint
"What Answer for the Wicked Human Heart" podcast series from Ravi Zacharias; because the heart is deceitful about all else and desperately wicked.
Dude Perfect, whose YouTube videos are very entertaining
Bicycling Magazine's interview with Carmen Small. Classy lady. I've raced with her and she is strong (and by "with" I mean at the back of the pack she was probably leading) My favorite quote from the interview:
BM: Do you think that doping is an issue in women’s cycling?

CS: I hope not. I really hope not. And then I tend to say no because the money’s not there. All of these girls [on my team] are clean and we’re the best. If the other girls are doing something, then they’re not doing it right because they’re not beating us. So I really, really believe that it’s not a part of the culture in women’s cycling.

Feel free to add in the comments any links you want to share!

This week was the first of workouts with Kat--a couple runs at race pace, rides at Todd's, and swimming. All the fun stuff, plus some time in the gym. So far, so good!

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