Saturday, August 14, 2010

Team Belladium: Women and Wine at the Vine

Team Belladium (Lisa S, Anna, Lisa C, Jonell, Shelly, Valerie, Parri, and Cali; not pictured: Lee) put on a great event!

Today Team Belladium put on a great event at Arrington Vineyards. About 150 women met for a 32-mile ride around Arrington, Franklin, College Grove, and more and then returned to Arrington for lunch and a chance to talk with some of the riders. Lisa planned the route, and it was absolutely beautiful. Slightly hilly, somewhat shaded but mostly sunny, hot, and great.

I started at the front with Lisa, and though everyone started together, we quickly had a group of only about 30 women. A few of the hills split us up, and after the super-quick rest stop, we ended up with only about 13. Lisa stayed back with a few of them after some other hills and a potentially confusing turn, and I continued on with about 8.

The route; it was a little hilly but definitely beautiful!

We rode the rest of the way in together, working well together on Horton Highway and letting one lady pull us most of the way on Cox. They were strong, it was fun to be able to get back on my bike, and I enjoyed meeting new riders. I didn't even know there were 150 women who rode bikes around here!

Pre-ride staging, waiting for the OK to start riding.

Lunch afterward—good sandwiches and brownies (mmm, peanut butter and dark chocolate!)

After the ride I had a bunch of errands to run, and then it was back to the apt to do laundry. How does one girl generate so many dirty clothes? I think between today and yesterday, I've done already 5 loads, and I'll have to do at least another after tomorrow's race. Part of it was pillow and cushion covers from the new (to me) chair that came from the Farkases yesterday, but most was dirty clothes from the week of running. At least I throw them in the dryer during the week so that they're not totally nasty when I pull them out of the hamper on the weekend!

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