Tuesday, August 10, 2010

5 Minute Lunges

Today's run was significantly better than yesterday's, but still it's not where I want to be. This might be an all-winter/all-off-season project. Still had one bathroom break again today (Granny White Park, mile 3), but hopefully that won't be a daily stop!

First, at lunch, I went to DHY and did my 5 minutes of work. I made it all 5 minutes on both legs for the lunge, no stopping, no putting my knee down. Will about fell out of his chair ("started to freak out" in his words) when I told him, but then he read my secret: 1.5 feet of water. It took a little weight off :-) But now I know what it feels like to actually do the entire thing without my knee on the ground, so hopefully eventually I can make it happen for real!

8-10-10; 8-09-10
  • 58:25, 6.20 miles, 9:25 pace (6:50 best), 167 HR (187 max), 738 cal
    52:44, 6.20 miles, 8:31 pace (6:34 best), 172 HR (185 max), 744 cal
  • Mile 1: 7:58; Mile 1: 8:04
  • Mile 2: 8:25; Mile 2: 7:47
  • Mile 3: 10:23; Mile 3: 9:30
  • Mile 4: 8:24; Mile 4: 8:25
  • Mile 5: 8:55; Mile 5: 8:37
  • Mile 6: 12:45; Mile 6: 8:51
  • Mile 6.2: 1:31; Mile 6.2: 1:28

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