Saturday, August 28, 2010

Busy Day!

Lauren at the toy shop

This will be a weekend of little sleep. Last night I didn't go to bed as early as I'd hoped, and today I got up super early to run with Janet and Sherri. We left from BFY at 6, and my destination was home. After driving my car to the Y, I left it there and ran the following route:

Saturday run

Then I had softball practice, to which I rode my bike (thankfully remembering to ride to the Y after so that I could pick up my car).

Fellowship Softball Co-Ed Team Back row: Herb, ?, ?, Lindsey, ?, ?; Front row: Kevin, Tara, Jeff, ?, ? (obviously I don't know everyone yet)

Saturday ride

Lauren and I then went out for ice cream and wandered around downtown Franklin. We found some fun finger puppets that she was enjoying. The best one was a 2-finger clown/acrobat thing. I wish I'd gotten a picture of that one! Church was later (where we talked about Genesis being the foundation of our belief in God and His word; the cake was because at the wedding of one of our pastors, when they cut the first piece, the 9-layer cake fell due to a broken foundation), home to read some, then off to bed too late for how early I have to get up for Ironman Louisville tomorrow!

Wedding cake at church

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