Friday, August 6, 2010


My body has been so tired lately and Will's been altering the workouts, I think. At least, he's been letting me ask for something different and maybe or maybe not acceding to my requests. Today he told me to do 100 altitude drops. I asked about substituting standing ham for GHR, and he said to do GHR. After my attitude-dripping reply, he said he'd meant standing ham. I was significantly happier about doing those. It wasn't necessarily that GHR is hard, which it is, but I was already so tired and it would have been like doing 100 GHR and 100 push ups, and I just didn't think I'd be able to handle it.
  • Lunge
  • Standing ham
  • Bench, 30lb
  • Curl, 24lb (couldn't do it all with this weight, so I lowered the weight. Will said later don't lower the weight, even if you can do only one rep at a time; do them all with the same weight and do them well)

For fun today, Lauren, her friend Virginia, and I went to McDougal's for lunch of chicken fingers and ice cream and then headed to MFY for fun in the sun at the pool. It had been cloudy and rainy most of the morning, and there was hardly anyone at the pool. That was great because the girls had fun playing in the pool, I could see them most of the time, and I didn't mind doing my workout while they were playing.

Lauren had made a cake during one of her art camps, so we took it to the pool with us to enjoy during one of the rest periods. It tasted great, and she did an awesome job decorating it!

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