Friday, March 14, 2014

Link Review, 3-14-14

Here are the links I think are worthy of a click-through this week.

Saturday's team ride from MFY to Waddell Hollow and back
with Shannon, Wendy, Kat, Emily, Anna, and Parri. Strava stats.

Sunday's ride with Cali, Wendy, Shannon, Alicia, and Shelly
through Shelby Park and to Cedar Hill Park. Strava stats.

Sunday's run off the bike with Alicia and Wendy. Not fast,
but definitely not easy either. Strava stats.

Monday's run: 1-mile warmup, 6.4 miles at 8:20 (should
have been 8:00, but that hill, oh, that hill!), 2.1-mile
cooldown, 9.5 miles total. Strava stats.

Tuesday's ride at Todd's was rough. Thursday's ride was much better, after a rest day on Wednesday. Friday I swam, and now the weekend is for riding!

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