Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Training Log; 4 miles, 5 on through 60

It's a good thing I didn't have too many miles planned for today, because I'm rapidly losing daylight in the afternoon and really don't like running in the dark. I am going to have to seriously consider going later to work so I can run in the mornings when it's lighter longer. The only thing is that it's so cold in the afternoon!

Today was 45* and pretty calm.
  • 1.5-mi warmup (7:55.56 [mile 1])
  • 0.5 mi around track (3:24.22)
  • appx. 32 min total
  • 4.30 total mileage

Before and after running I used one of those foam rollers on the outside of both legs. My left knee has been bothering me slightly, and rolling on it killed! Then rolling on my right leg killed, too, so I'm not sure I should be too worried. It didn't really feel tight, so rolling didn't necessarily loosen anything. Maybe I'm just feeling things. The knee didn't really aggravate me while I was running, but I could definitely feel it when I was running counterclockwise around the track.

5 on, 5 off through 60 was the next thing on the list. This one takes forever...remember that!

  • Wall squat: 40 (maybe 45) seconds was the hardest. Then the last few seemed to be easier. This was pretty much the case for all of them.
  • Standing hamstring
  • Lunge: Same thing as with squat--it seemed to get easier after 40. Weird, though: I definitely needed at least 15 seconds between the last few reps because I got really light-headed when I stood. Not sure what was going on there. My legs felt like I could have gone right into the next lunge. Also, some lady tried to talk to me about 30 seconds after I'd finished; people just don't realize that I'm working hard! I made her wait another 30 before I responded, but she was trying to tell me that I'm going to hurt my foot because I step down on the ball of my foot. There was no convincing her that I didn't feel it at all because I was focused on using my big muscles. I think a contributing factor was that my shoes (flats) were really loud on the hard wood floor. She didn't worry me at all with her questioning or personal worries.
  • Push up: 40 seconds again was the hardest. I don't know what my deal was!
  • Preacher curl: Did I do the right one? I get so confused! 30-lb bar, starting up, then lowering for the on, then raising up for the off. The last minute was the hardest. I made it past :40 with no feelings of distress like in the previous ones!
  • Crate crunch: Note to self: squeeze the crate harder!

Then I did the roller thing again. Ouch! I don't think it should hurt that much!

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