Monday, December 30, 2013

More Christmas Pics

Here are some more Christmas pics. I ran only a little while on vacation, one time at a gym and twice outside. I did lots of pushups and will make my year's 20,000-pushup goal. Woot! I'll do a complete tally post, but so far I know I've completed the following:

  • 30,000 meters swimming
  • 20,000 pushups
  • 1,000 miles running / walking
  • 5,000 miles biking
  • 8,000 meters rowing

Runs brought to you by...Seneca Fitness
The ugly-sweater-contest winner got this lei

Ugly sweaters. Who wins this one????

Sunday, December 29, 2013

In Photos

This was part of my Christmas
Allentown airport. My sis wouldn't let me take my nephew :-(
New bag from Mom fit all my Christmas gifts!
Family workout time. Baby jumping, toddler bouncing,
Mom and Dad skipping, Aunt taking pictures
Lehigh Valley on a sunny day. This is not normal and I loved it.
Another photo of this part of the valley
My nephew loved this tow truck gift. I think it's
because it didn't require tracks in order to roll on carpet.
It's a stocking. That means feet go in it!
Big has some growing to do to
fit into this handmade one.
Grandpa and toddler cutting a birthday cake
for Jesus on Christmas Eve
Ugly sweater / outfit. You can't see my socks or designs
on the sweater, but it's OK, I wasn't the winner
Toddler and baby by the tree
New Christmas ornament!
Chilling with both kiddos

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pictures from the Past Few Weeks

Put up my few Christmas things:
a nice nativity and a little tree

Wrapped Christmas to send them!

Did the Girls on the Run 5K with Anslee (and her dad Chris) in
25* temps; Anslee was awesome, and we finished in 35:15.

Shopped; apparently "snap-on pants" are the alternative (thanks to
a tweet reply from Kohl's when I asked what other kind of pants there are)

Nissan (where I charge) had a HUGE pile of donated toys

I like to be seen when I run -- if you're looking for a good
vest, I'd highly recommend this lighted, reflective one.

Hot chocolate; I don't know how people can
regularly spend as much on coffee as these drinks cost!

Thanksgiving with my nephew and niece

Getting the Christmas tree with the fam

Pond across from my office (where I walk)
and our office building's entrance
I was hoping to do the Honolulu Marathon (virtually), but it wasn't happening. My stomach was not happy, and I struggled to complete 10 miles on the treadmill and 5 on the elliptical. Ouch. I guess I can try again next weekend.

The Girls on the Run race was one of the only Christmas-related things that happened in Nashville this past weekend, because we were supposed to get lots of ice (didn't) and the Christmas parade, 5K, and tree lighting didn't happen or happened with no fanfare. Franklin's went on, but they were Saturday rather than Friday. It was freezing (25*), and it was the first time my girl Anslee had run in temps that cold. She was a champion despite new feelings she'd never had before. Side cramps were familiar (though not welcome), and I tried from the beginning to encourage her to breathe at least one deep breath every few tenths of a mile. Ice blocks for feet was a very unfamiliar feeling, yet she pressed on. I wish I would have thought to inform her (without scaring her) about those feelings and the fact that extreme temps make it harder to compete and perform. She was hoping we'd finish under 30 minutes like we did a few weeks ago, but her 35:15 was a fantastic time, and she was in the top 20 of at least 100 girls. She cried after...but she earned it! She put everything she had into that race. I was proud of her!

I spend Thanksgiving with the fam and had a blast. My nephew is starting to talk a lot and wants to play even more, and the weekend flew by.