Start of the race (source) |
It was a perfect day for running. Great sunrise, not too cold, not too hot, not too many leaves but just the right amount of color, and good competition. We started in self-seeded "waves": The starter said, about 5 minutes to 8, "OK, if you think you're going to win, line up in the front now and we'll start you in 3 minutes." He also clarified that these should be those runners expecting to run ~7min/mile. I didn't line up with this group--not that I didn't want to win, but that I definitely don't run at 7 minutes per mile. I did, however, notice that only one lady went out with that group of 8 or so.
About 1 minute later, my little group started (we were labeled as ~8min/mile runners, and that's what I was going for). My plan had been to run easy for 2 miles and then run a tempo pace (consistently running slightly faster every mile) for the remainder of the race. However, that changed at 0.1 miles into the race when I realized I was in the group that contained the second place female. Since that was the case, I wanted to race right from the start to see how I could do!
Route map and elevatino |
My first mile was 7:18. Not the easy (9-min) pace I was hoping for, but I was staying with the 2 ladies I was with. Eventually (shortly hah) I slowed my pace but still pushed myself to run faster than what I thought I could. I had two 9-minute miles (miles 6 and 7) when we went up and down and back on a hill on Raintree Parkway, but the rest of the miles were pretty much right around 8:20/8:25.
Finished! |
I finished feeling good but like I had pushed myself. My overall time was 1:50:15, a pace of 8:25/mile. Not quite the 8 I was hoping for, but I'll definitely take it because I pushed myself and ran hard. This was enough for first in my age group and 9th overall female.
Morning sunrise, race bib, post-race snack |
Results: 1/14 in AG (30-34), 9/118 females, 38/226 overall.
Total time: 1:50:15, pace 8:25/mile
Shelly, Cath, and Val |
Team ride on Sunday was perfect. Not too fast, not too slow, lots of chit chat. The best kind of ride!
Monday morning sunrise. AMAZING beauty from an amazing CREATOR |
Taste test: Brachs vs. Kroger |
In this photo, it's obvious to me which is which. One looks like plastic, about as hard as the bag! I threw one bag away after completing the taste test (I only ate half of the plastic-looking ones in my test). Can you tell which is the Kroger brand and which is the Brachs brand? What's your guess on which one I threw away? :-)
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