Sunday, November 3, 2013

Harvest Half Marathon

This weekend was a new race, the Brentwood YMCA Harvest Half Marathon, and I HAD to do it. This is one of my four home Ys, and I run and ride on the trails (paths) behind it all.the.time. How could I not race on those trails?!?

Start of the race

It was a perfect day for running. Great sunrise, not too cold, not too hot, not too many leaves but just the right amount of color, and good competition. We started in self-seeded "waves": The starter said, about 5 minutes to 8, "OK, if you think you're going to win, line up in the front now and we'll start you in 3 minutes." He also clarified that these should be those runners expecting to run ~7min/mile. I didn't line up with this group--not that I didn't want to win, but that I definitely don't run at 7 minutes per mile. I did, however, notice that only one lady went out with that group of 8 or so.

About 1 minute later, my little group started (we were labeled as ~8min/mile runners, and that's what I was going for). My plan had been to run easy for 2 miles and then run a tempo pace (consistently running slightly faster every mile) for the remainder of the race. However, that changed at 0.1 miles into the race when I realized I was in the group that contained the second place female. Since that was the case, I wanted to race right from the start to see how I could do!

Route map and elevatino

My first mile was 7:18. Not the easy (9-min) pace I was hoping for, but I was staying with the 2 ladies I was with. Eventually (shortly hah) I slowed my pace but still pushed myself to run faster than what I thought I could. I had two 9-minute miles (miles 6 and 7) when we went up and down and back on a hill on Raintree Parkway, but the rest of the miles were pretty much right around 8:20/8:25.


I finished feeling good but like I had pushed myself. My overall time was 1:50:15, a pace of 8:25/mile. Not quite the 8 I was hoping for, but I'll definitely take it because I pushed myself and ran hard. This was enough for first in my age group and 9th overall female.

Morning sunrise, race bib, post-race snack

Results: 1/14 in AG (30-34), 9/118 females, 38/226 overall.
Total time: 1:50:15, pace 8:25/mile

Shelly, Cath, and Val

Team ride on Sunday was perfect. Not too fast, not too slow, lots of chit chat. The best kind of ride!

Monday morning sunrise. AMAZING beauty from an amazing CREATOR

Taste test: Brachs vs. Kroger

In this photo, it's obvious to me which is which. One looks like plastic, about as hard as the bag! I threw one bag away after completing the taste test (I only ate half of the plastic-looking ones in my test). Can you tell which is the Kroger brand and which is the Brachs brand? What's your guess on which one I threw away? :-)

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