Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Caleb and Adam enjoyed the boxes
almost as much as the gifts

Caleb and Adam helping us decorate
Jesus' birthday cake

A bumper sticker from my sister

Caleb trying to take the Cheerio from the onesie

Busy opening presents

Loading a stocking on Christmas Eve
 I ran a few times but not long, and I did a few 3-minutes-of-work workouts, but in general it was vacation. We went to a Christmas Eve service on Monday and then read the Christmas story as a family. On Christmas day, we started opening gifts a little after 9, broke for brunch around 11, resumed an hour later, took another break for family phone calls, and resumed until nearly 5pm! There were a ton of gifts under the tree! I got some things I'd been wanting -- a Nativity set (the kind you can add pieces to) and a jacket -- and loved watching the kids open their presents

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