I managed to find a window of time today when it wasn't raining and get in a good ride. It was the same route, focus, and drills as
Wednesday and looks very similar:
- 42:48; 13.07 miles; 18.2 average; 822 calories; 155 HR
- 42+ minutes; 12.4 miles; 18.0 average; 752 calories; 149 HR
- Warm up: 30:30; 9.5 miles; 18.7 average; 150 HR
- Warm up: 27:27; 8.89 miles; 157 HR
- Drill 1: 30 seconds; 0.19 miles; 23.2 average; 162 HR
- Drill 1: 30 seconds; 0.16 miles; 19.3 average; 160 HR
- Rest 1: 2 minutes; 0.58 miles; 17.5 average; 181 HR
- Rest 1: 2 minutes; 0.53 miles; 16.0 average; 173 HR
- Drill 2: 30 seconds; 0.17 miles; 20.8 average; 182 HR
- Drill 2: 30 seconds; 0.18 miles; 21.4 average; 176 HR
- Rest 2: 2 minutes; 0.54 miles; 16.2 average; 175 HR
- Rest 2: 2 minutes; 0.48 miles; 14.4 average; 176 HR
- Cool down: 7:38; 2.08 miles; 16.4 average; 166 HR
- Cool down: 8:12; 2.16 miles; 15.8 average; 158 HR
This felt almost exactly the same but was slightly faster, which I guess is good? Better HR on the warm up/bulk of the ride, and that's definitely good.
I went to a "Signs and Wonders" conference with Bill and Nancy tonight. It was a very unique, experience.
Entertainment is probably the best word to describe it. It really felt like people were there just to see what would happen to the guy who was speaking. Would he get covered with gold dust? Or maybe even sheets of gold? Would oil start coming from his feet? (What!!)
The singing in tongues sounded like an African choir—sweet sound, but not understandable—how do I know whether the Spirit understands?
What if an experience doesn’t happen?
What do they do with the gold, and with the oil?
How do they feel if they come expecting a miracle and don’t get one?
The gold comes from when the Israelites left Egypt with their gold. It is basically glitter, though. Nancy said she’d been there earlier and he hadn’t any gold on his jacket, but when I was there, there was glitter in is hair and on his jacket. Then evidently he got oil? Coming from his feet? Yeah, he stepped all over little pañuelos (handkerchiefs, but I couldn’t remember the work), which were then cut up and handed to everyone who put money in the offering as a tangible token of their attendance and giving. This was based on Acts 19:11–12, where “handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them” and Acts 5:15, where “at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them.” But this was all before the Scripture was written and complete. Now that it is, do we need more revelation? Not what we have the sun, we have no need for the stars!
How much does the prosperity gospel discount God’s sovereign will? How much does the conservative gospel discount the work of the Spirit?
When Jesus healed, He healed all who came to Him. He didn’t do anything strange like “I’m getting a birthday.” “I’m hearing initials.” “I’m seeing someone with a friend named Daniel.”
The church felt so alive—like Mom and Dad’s church.
Does he just keep talking until the oil comes or more glitter comes? That’s sure what it felt like!
The prosperity gospel: all about taking, nothing about giving to God of myself (except my finances, because if I give my finances He’ll bless me with gold). Nothing about surrender. Prosperity angels (Elijah when he fled Jezebel, slept, awoke to an angel who fed him, slept, awoke to an angel again, ate, then journeyed. Gen 24:6ff: Abraham seeking a wife for Isaac—your angel of prosperity will go before you and find you a mate. Psalm 34: David “the poor man” cried; the angel of prosperity delivered him—actually, though, there’s a phrase between: The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. The passage goes like this: This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.
Take it to the Lord in prayer. I surrender all. Go, sell all that you have, and give it to the poor; for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Take up your cross and follow me. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Be a servant; John 12:26; the Son of man came to serve, and we are to emulate Him. Deut. 11:13. Shall I go on sinning so that grace may abound? No! 1 John 2:6
It’s not always going to be easy, and you’re not always going to be wealthy. God is going to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, but He alone can distinguish between your needs and your wants. Indeed, He is a sun and shield; He will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Basically tonight was all about taking, not really about walking uprightly. Sure, there was prayer, but prayer for what? More blessing. Nothing that deals with the heart. My heart can’t be the only one that struggles; I see it everywhere in the Psalms and I know the writer of the Proverbs dealt with it too or he wouldn’t have addressed it.Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. Romans 6:12–14
What is the whole business with “getting whacked” and where did it come from?
Does the “joy of the Lord” “manifest itself” only in uncontrollable laughter? Ananias and Sapphira were slain in the Spirit—literally! (Acts 5)
Are they disappointed to see only glitter rather than sheets of gold? Bill says “it’s God’s prerogative.” Don’t we get our real reward (crowns and such) in heaven? It seems like they’re too busy looking for rewards and blessings and manifestations and experiences here on earth to truly yearn for heaven! Or maybe what they see now makes them long for it even more?
Those who saw angels (in the NT were afraid: Zacharias, Mary, John, the shepherds.
I know so much, but what am I doing to help others see the truth and love of God?
In a few places, you’ll be rewarded openly: Doing charitable deeds in secret (Matthew 6:1–4); Praying in a secret place (Matthew 6:5–6); Fasting but appearing normal (Matthew 6:16–18).
The tax collector asked for mercy because he knew he was a sinner. Yes, we can approach the throne with confidence, but we also must approach in humility, knowing that we are not worthy in ourselves but rather in God.
How to be blessed (God’s way) from Matthew 5:
- Be poor in spirit (theirs is the kingdom of heaven)
deep humility; recognizing spiritual bankruptcy apart from God; acutely conscious of lostness and hopelessness apart from divine grace; Matthew 9:12; Luke 12:13
- Mourn (they shall be comforted)
mourn over sin; have godly sorrow that produces repentance leading to salvation without regret; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Isaiah 40:1–2
- Be meek (they shall inherit the earth)
supreme self-control empowered by the Holy Spirit; Galatians 5:23
- Hunger and thirst for righteousness (they shall be filled)
seeking God’s righteousness, not your own; Romans 10:3; Philippians 3:9
- Be merciful (they shall obtain mercy)
showing compassion for others; James 1:13
- Be pure in heart (they shall see God)
seeking to refrain from sin and to please God in every possible way; Psalm 24:4–5; Psalm 15:2; Hebrews 12:14
- Make peace (they shall be called sons of God)
loving your enemies; blessing those who curse you; doing good to those who hate you; praying for those who use you; Matthew 5:44–45
- Endure persecution for righteousness’ sake (theirs is the kingdom of heaven)
suffering because of your faith and willingness to share; James 5:10–11; 1 Peter 4:12–14
We are all filled with the Holy Spirit. How can some human (sinner) exhale on me and fill me with more of the Spirit? It is God who gives us the Spirit and of God whom we should ask for more. Could His way be that? I highly doubt it—where’s the evidence in the Bible? John and Elizabeth were filled with the Spirit—God. He is the Spirit. He comes upon us, not the breath of some human.
John was filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. (Luke 1:15) Mary would have the Holy Spirit come upon her. (Luke 1:35) Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit upon Mary’s arrival (but when Mary greeted Elizabeth—it was at the sound of her voice). (Luke 1:41) Stephen was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. (Acts 6:5) The apostles and others with them were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:4)
Maybe the breath is to imitate “a sound from heaven, as of a rushing wind”? But God sent that sound—it wasn’t created by humans! (Acts 2:2; John 3:8)