I ran bright and early because I had to run, do isos, and then be at the church before 8am for our departure to Ocoee, TN, to whitewater raft.
5.54 mi
minus 3+-min cool down, 8:39 pace
656 cal
6:42 best pace
5 on, 5 off thru 40
- glute ham
- plate front delt raise (10-lb plate, which i had to drop for the last 20 seconds of the last 2)
quick squats: 3×30 at 20 seconds rest
quick bench press (light bar): 3×20 at 15 seconds rest
We, all 60 of us, piled into vehicles to make the 3-hour drive up to Ocoee. I rode with Mayne, David, and Dax, none of whom I knew but all of whom I know now. It was great not to have to drive. After stopping at McDonalds in Murfreesboro and Sonic in Cleveland, we arrived at High Country.
The High Country sign After signing waivers, we had to sit for a little training, and then we headed out onto the Ocoee River for our trip down the river. The trip was a little over an hour and tons of fun.
Sitting around during the training, waiting patiently
We were ready to go!
When we arrived back at home base, I conscripted David to give me a massage. It was so relaxing and felt so good. I could use one every day if I had someone to give me one or the money to afford one.
David H, my masseuse
We had some dinner (hamburgers), and then I headed to bed while most of the others sat around a campfire most of the night.
A few of the grillers (Dax, Scott, and David)
Hungry young adults, getting hamburgers and the fixings for supper