Saturday, January 31, 2009

10 6 3 EDI; 2009 races

I went up to work out with Will today (I love these days and the workouts they involve) and learned that I'm only about half-way there on all these manual hold exercises. Perhaps because I don't always do them with a partner? Anyway, I do really well on the up part of each exercise but poorly on the down part--the part where gravity is working with you. I forget to keep my muscles turned on.

10 6 3 EDI, 10-second manual hold, 2 sets
  • Lunge with Russian lunge: The first 10 were OK. It all went downhill from there. First, I forgot to pop up immediately after the manual hold (pretty much did that on all exercises today; where was my head?!?). Then it took me forever to complete each jump. By the second set, I was leaning forward and over-thinking everything. I wanted to do it right, but then I was just thinking how tired I was and that I wouldn't be able to do it. So sometimes in the middle of a rep I'd just not jump because I didn't think I could (even though I could do it). Only once or twice did I forget to turn it on at the bottom (although now that I think about it, I shouldn't have to turn my muscles on because I shouldn't ever be turning them off), and the bruise on my knee is evidence of the fact. I couldn't complete the last 3 of either set (left leg) without having to stand between the manual hold and the jumps. Oh, and I kick out rather than up. What in the world.
  • Will: standing extreme hamstring with rebounds (yeah, I'm not sure how), 5 on, 10 off through 30.
  • Glute ham: The first 6 went well. Actually, in the first set, I went all the way up on all of them with assistance only from myself. However, my upper body was always lagging behind, and I basically was just falling to the ground, not using my hamstrings/quads. Sometimes I wish this were easier, but then I probably wouldn't get any faster or stronger. Maybe I just wish I could do it right all the time.
  • Will:1-leg squats, 35-lb plate, 5 on, 10 off through 30.
  • Curl: light bar with a 5-lb plate on each side. Again, I curled up correctly but down incorrectly, basically just by letting it fall and not by lengthening my biceps.
  • Will: standing curl, 45-lb bar, with rebounds (or was it altitude drop? I don't know the difference), same 5 on, 10 off through 30.
  • Bench press: 45-lb bar. I forgot to engage my legs during the first set but did much better the second. The whole "chest up, shoulders down" thing has been hard--he said my right shoulder kept wanting to come up, and I couldn't feel that at all.
  • Crate crunch: This was weird with a manual hold (arms on shoulders, I think), since I hadn't known you could do it that way; altitude drop to start. Again, I didn't crunch up fast enough. What a frustrating workout all around!
I add Will's exercises in here so that you can see how hard this progression gets and so that if he ever tells me to do them, at least I'll have some reference to how.

After that, I got a little work done (race schedule, for one thing, which looks like this for now):
  • Runs
  1. 2-14-09 Preds 5K
  2. 3-14-09 TK Classic half-mary
  3. 4-11-09 Purity 10K
  4. 4-25-09 CM Marathon
  5. 5-25-09 5K at Greer (Monday)
  6. 7-01-04 MFY 5K
  7. 10-11-09 Chi Mar—TOV
  • Bike Races
  1. 4-17-09 Harpeth training camp
  2. 5-02-09 Sumner County RR
  3. 5-16-09 Highland Rim RR, TT
  4. 5-27-09 crit series
  5. 6-20-09 Avery Trace RR, TT
  6. 7-25-09 TN state TT
  7. 7-26-09 crit
  8. 8-01-09 Allanti RR, TT
  9. 8-02-09 Allanti Crit
  • Tris
  1. 5-17-09 Memphis in May Olympic
  2. 5-31-09 Madeira Beach Sprint
  3. 6-27-09 Old Hickory Lake Sprint
  4. 7-11-09 Half IM in Muncie
  5. 7-19-09 Olympic in PA
  6. 8-30-09 IM Loo
I met some random guy at Panera where I was working, did a little shopping, then went to watch the IceMen hockey game (3-4 loss).

Friday, January 30, 2009

3x30 sec heavy

  • Glute ham: no weight
  • Standing ham: 45-lb plate
  • Lunge: bar + 35, bar + 25, bar only. Not sure what happened on this one.
  • Curl: 40-lb bar. I had to do 4 sets because on the third, I dropped the bar at 28 seconds. So I did it again.
  • Crate crunch: 45-lb plate

Thursday, January 29, 2009

6-9 Challenge; 1.5 mi

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite workouts, especially because it incorporates speed and it's challenging.
  • 1-mile warm up: 3:54 and 3:44 for each half mile (7 is much easier to remember than 14)
  • 6-rep rounds:
  1. 1-minute skipping
  2. 6 burpies
  3. 1-minute skipping
  4. 6 Russian lunges (right leg first; my knee hit the ground [ouch!] on one, but that's WAY better than last time I tried to do these right)
  5. 1-minute skipping
  6. 6 tuck jumps
  7. 1-minute skipping
  8. Six 15-m sprints (or close; again, I paced out 20; each lap is appx. 85 meters, which means that 15 meters would be about 1/5 of a lap. I figured this out after I was done, so I'll have to pace out 1 lap, divide that by 5, and I'll be set.)
  • Total time: 10:34
  • Approximately 2-minute rest interval
  • 9-rep rounds
  1. 1-minute push ups (42, all on knees)
  2. 9 burpies
  3. 1-minute push ups (23)
  4. Plyometric lunges
  5. 1-minute push ups (25)
  6. 9 tuck jumps
  7. 1-minute push ups (21; total push ups: 111)
  8. Nine 15-m sprints
  • Total time: 12:43
  • Approximately 2-minute rest interval
  • 6 Russian lunges (left leg first): I had to repeat 1 because I didn't land correctly (but my knee did not hit the ground)
  • 0.5-mi cool down: 3:57 (hardly a cool down compared to my first mile)
Since my usually-20-minute drive took an hour and I had Inversion Bible Study, that was about all I had time for besides some core work and stretching.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

3-mi run; 10 6 3 EDI

Today was the first day back running in a few days (11 to be exact), so I didn't do the entire thing. I want my blisters to continue to heal right so I don't have to deal with them later during the season. I started on the track at MFY; 14 laps are one mile, and doing 5+ miles in the same direction was not what I wanted to do all afternoon, so I ended up on the treadmill.
  • 10-20 minute warmup: In half-mile increments, it was 3:50, 3:44, and 4:00
  • 5x1000 @ 4:16: I had no idea what pace I was supposed to be at. I did the first at 7.5: 4:54. I did the second at 7.7: 4:49. Obviously that wasn't even close to fast enough.
  • 10-minute cooldown: I just cooled down.
Then I did 10 6 3 EDI, 2 sets, no manual holds.
  • Lunge with violent stops: I've really been trying to keep good form and pull into the deepest position possible.
  • Glute ham: I did both sets, every rep, all the way up. Hooray! Now that I know I can go all the way up, I don't think I could do reps only to arm's length.
  • Wall squat: Here's where I remembered I was supposed to be doing this with a manual hold. It's hard to simulate that, but it was pretty much normal. Here some guy asked me if I was training for a sport. Of course. (I was nicer than that, though.)
  • Curl--light bar: I used the 15-lb bar, did 3 sets, and tried to imagine someone holding the bar down. It makes me work harder. Here some girl (Amanda) asked me what I do for abs, so I showed her crate crunches and planks. I decided I really don't do much else for abs, but the crate crunches are good!
  • Push up: I did the first 10 seconds of both sets on my feet, but I could not push up all the way. So I went to my knees and did all 19 + 19 reps all the way up. Hooray! I still use my shoulders and arms more than my lats, but I'm trying to work on it.
  • Crate crunch: I finally figured this one out on Monday, and it's a good one if you make your legs work the whole time. Plus crunching up while squeezing a crate is hard.
Then I just did a few stretches. Soon I'm going to start adding mileage, but I'm going to try to let my foot heal all the way first. Next week I'll start swimming, and I'll probably be getting back on my bike then too. Trainer, here I come!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6-9 Challenge

Today's workout, the 6-9 Challenge, came from my favorite fitness podcast. I chose it mainly because there was no running outside due to the rain and cold and there's no getting a treadmill at MFY much after 4:30. But first I went to Hip Hop class at the Y. It went slightly better than the Zumba class because the teacher actually went through each different move set before we started it, but by the time we got to the end of the song, I'd forgotten the first parts of the choreography. In keeping with my reputation, I got the hardest move down no problem (swipe, swipe and turn, pull down, clap, swipe, step up, step back, turn); it was all the supposedly easy ones that I just couldn't get.

Here's the 6-9 Challenge for all those interested:
  • 6-Rep Rounds
  1. 1-minute skipping
  2. 6 burpies (basically squat thrusts; check out this video)
  3. 1-minute skipping
  4. 6 plyometric lunges each leg (I did 1 lunge with 6 Russian lunges for each side)
  5. 1-minute skipping
  6. 6 tuck jumps
  7. 1-minute skipping
  8. Six 15-meter sprints
  • 9-Rep Rounds
  1. 1-minute push ups (I skipped here because I forgot I was on this round)
  2. 9 burpies
  3. 1-minute push ups (I did 25 total; 10 on feet and 15 on knees but all with the proper form)
  4. 9 plyometric lunges (here I did dynamic lunges; basically I just walked forward while doing them. I had to do extra ones because either I didn't step straight or I didn't step up high enough)
  5. 1-minute push ups (I did 30 total; 5 on feet and 25 on knees)
  6. 9 tuck jumps
  7. 1-minute push ups (I did 30 total, all on knees)
  8. Nine 15-meter sprints (I timed the final 3: 3.01, 3.00, and 2.95; I figure the distance was about the same distance as between bases in fast pitch softball. I had to estimate and walked about 20 paces)
I did one round of each and it took about 20-25 minutes. I guess you could do as many as you're up for. It amused me when a couple of the girls who were running on the track (as part of a sports conditioning class or something) said, "I don't know how anyone can make themselves do drills on their own." If only they knew what all I do on my own.... Then I did crate crunches and planks. I also did crunches this morning (50) and push ups this morning (20) and throughout the day at work (20), so including the push ups this afternoon (85) I did 125 total! I should start aiming for 2,000 in a month again; that was a fun challenge!

Monday, January 26, 2009

10 10 10 EDI

Not much to report today; that's pretty much the way I like it. 10 10 10 EDI, 2 sets.
  • Lunge: Both sets, both legs were good. Hard, and I had to do quick reps, but it was good.
  • Glute ham: First set was 10 all the way up, then 3 or 4, then 2 or 3; second set was 3 or 4 all the way up, then 2 or 3, then 1 or 2. On the ones I didn't go all the way up, I went up to arm's length with slight assistance (well, that on all of them). I could really feel myself lagging and wanting to use my back more than my glutes and hamstrings, so I had to and will have to focus on that consistently; the whole rep should be one fluid motion without relaxing for any reason.
  • Push up on knees: First set was 10 all the way up, then 7, then 2; second set was 0 all the way up, then 0, then 0. Yeah, the second set was a struggle. I pushed up as much as I could; by the final 10 I was really not moving at all, just making whatever effort I could. It really shouldn't be that hard to do 60 push ups, but I was trying to give the max effort for every one.
  • Scap pull up: For this one, the focus was keeping my sternum elevated and making sure I had full range of motion. I used 100 lbs of assistance and did 10 6 3 on the first set and 10 6 2 1 on the second set. I had to get back on the bar to do the last one since I pretty much fell off from the previous rep; I had nothing left!
  • Crate crunch
Then I did some planks, just for fun: 30 seconds front, 30 second right side, 30 seconds front, 30 seconds left side, all in succession (2 minutes nonstop); then 1 minute back.

Tomorrow, the running shoes are going back on. I hope it's nice out!


  • Daniel 4:2–3 I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me. How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation.
  • John 2:11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.
  • John 4:48 Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”
  • Acts 14:3 Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
  • Hebrews 2:1–4 Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?
God revealed Himself and His glory through signs and wonders so that people would believe; why would He not still do that today?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Questions to Ponder

Remember these questions when anything comes up that is not specifically or explicitly addressed in the Bible (first heard in the context of Ephesians 5:15–21--being drunk with wine contrasted with being filled with the Spirit):
  1. Is it the same as it was in Bible times?
  2. Is it necessary?
  3. Is it habit-forming?
  4. Is it the best choice?
  5. Is it potentially dangerous?
  6. Is it offensive to other Christians?
  7. Will it harm my Christian testimony?
  8. Am I certain it's right?
Other Scripture references include the following:
  • 1 Corinthians 8:1–13 Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him. Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one. For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. However, there is not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse. But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.
  • Romans 8:5–17 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
  • Romans 14:12–23 So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way. I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died. Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil; for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men. Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for the man who eats with offense. It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.
  • 1 Corinthians 6:12–20 "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything. "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"—but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh." But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
  • 1 Corinthians 10:31–33 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God, just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

10x10 seconds; hockey

Today I made friends with a girl who will hopefully be my new running partner. Anna and I are going to try to get together twice a week; once for a track workout (her strength) and once for a long run (my strength). Should be fun, and I'm excited!

I had to workout before Will's game and still try to get everything done that I needed to (I did not succeed, especially since Nancy called and wanted to leave early), but I got most of the workout done. Usually I have the choice between 2 or 3 sets (I have always chosen 2), but today I had no choice: 10x10 second manual holds, 3 sets.
  • Lunge: for the last 3 on the second 2 sets on my left leg, I had to put my knee down. For the last 2 on the last set on my right leg, I had to put my knee down. But I was really focused on not leaning forward or to one side, and I think I succeeded there.
  • Glute ham: 10 seconds on, 1 second break, repeat. I'm really strong on the first few (I can lift the bench and bar, so I have to put weight on it), but I am never as strong over the last 3-5.
  • Wall squat: I was really trying to go fast up and fast down on this one while still keeping my shins perpendicular to the ground. I'm sure I don't go as fast as I can, and I don't know why or how to improve that.
  • Push up (on feet): I did the first 10 on my feet but couldn't push up all the way on any of them. For the next 2 sets, I started on my feet but dropped to my knees when I couldn't make any upward motion (#3 on the second, #2 on the third). When I was on my knees, I could usually do at least 3 all the way or most of the way up. Push ups should really not be that hard. Why are they???
  • Curl: 30-lb bar for the first 10, then 20-lb bar for the next 20. I could do more weight, but because I always pretend someone is holding the bar and I'm pulling up with my lats, 20 lbs is plenty.
  • Crate crunch: I did the first set, then I did two 1-minute side planks and was done. I had to get going!
Nancy, Zach, and I then went up to Indiana for Will's game. The Evansville IceMen played the Chicago Blaze and won 11-3. Will had 4 assists during the game and played really well; it was probably the best I'd seen him skate. Plus he looked like he was having fun the whole time and after the game. Probably because his brother was there to see him.

Zach and Will; Will looks really tall with his skates on!

He spent a few minutes in the penalty box, but it didn't hurt his team and they were able to kill off both his penalties. Then we got to greet him at the end because he had to come out and sign autographs. Finally I got a good (not blurry) picture!

Will and me after his game; yes, it's inside and it does get cold in the arena, hence the hat and gloves!

We actually got home at a respectable time, too, and the car ride back was safe and uneventful. Thank you, Lord, for safe travels and safety on the ice!


If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. (C.S. Lewis; from Chan, Francis; Crazy Love; p. 75)

Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. (Philippians 3:17–21; NKJV)

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2; NKJV)
I often feel, as a fellow blogger has said, like an alien on temporary assignment (unfortunately, this feeling does not occur as often as I would like). This world is not my home (1 Peter 2:11–12). And yet it is so easy to conform to the culture, to want to fit in, to want to enjoy some of the pleasures here, to forget about heaven and to focus on earth. But I don't want to live as an enemy of the cross of Christ. In fact, I can't, because I have accepted God's gift of Christ's sacrifice on that cross as a payment for my sins. How could I ever turn my back on such a gift; on that immense, incomprehensible love; on Jesus Himself?

Lord, please keep any such desire from me. Keep filling me with Your Spirit through Your Word. Keep me from being filled with anything else, anything that this world has to offer.

Help me to remember why I am who I am and do what I do: Jesus came to earth to fulfill what was written about Him by dying on the cross. With the ultimate sacrifice, He paid the price for the sins of all who accept Him and forgives those who ask. This gives me access to God and His throne and requires me to honor Him through obedience.

When I accepted His gift, my body became the temple of the Holy Spirit, who now fills me and communicates with the Father. Since the Spirit is in me and I'm being constantly and consistently filled by the Spirit through the Word of God, I cannot be filled with earthly spirits.

I want to be obedient to God's commands even through I know I'm not under the law but under grace. This obedience requires me to live differently than the world lives, and one way this difference manifests itself is by my not drinking. Although drinking wine/beer/alcohol is not explicitly prohibited in the Scriptures, drunkenness is, and any soft of drinking can ultimately lead to drunkenness, which nearly always leads to other sins (immorality, foolish talk, poor choices, lack of obedience, potentially causing harm to others and skewing or ruining my testimony as Christ's ambassador, and more). Therefore, I'd rather not put myself into any circumstance that would cause that behavior.

Does that mean that I can't go to bars to hang out (to play pool with people at work, to listen to lesser-known musicians' concerts, or for other reasons)? Not necessarily. But does it mean that I must go, or even that I may not go at all? Neither. So where does that leave me? Pretty much back in square 1.

Drinking alcohol can lead to drunkenness (a major loss of control of physical and mental capacities), which can lead to other sins. "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death" (James 1:14–15). I can't say that God has tempted me, "for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone" (James 1:13). So if I know what leads to sin, why would I knowingly and willingly let myself enter an environment that would cause me to sin?

Sin's ultimate consequence is separation from God, my Father and Creator. That is the torment people in hell face. He is "not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9); thus He forgives us when we ask with repentant hearts. But neither is He unjust (Genesis 18:25; Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 7:11; Isaiah 30:18; Daniel 4:37); thus He allows the unrepentant to live their life of pleasure and die their death of torment (Matthew 25:31–46). In light of this, that any alcohol can lead to the sin of drunkenness, which can lead to other sins:

What else is in my life that is leading or could lead to sin?
  • Computer; Food; Training; Work; Pleasure (blogging, hockey games, training, shopping, radio, sports games, reading, etc.); Babysitting; Reading; Writing; Friends; Church; Buying things/spending money
I guess what I need to ask are the following questions:
  • Does it take time away from spending time with God?
  • Does it draw me away from Him when I am close?
  • Does it affect what should be an attitude of love for others?
  • Does it grieve or quench the Spirit?
  • Does it please God and advance His kingdom?
  • How does what I'm doing affect how I live on earth with a heavenly perspective?
Where is the line between living on earth and wanting to be in heaven, worshiping God, loving Him, not suffering, with perfect bodies, etc.?
For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again. Philippians 1:19–26

Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved. Philippians 3:17–4:1
Even through all Paul's suffering and his desire to be with Christ, he willingly remained on earth to help the Philippians to teach them the Word and to grow God's kingdom.

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Things

Today was a day for fun things, so I left work early and went to Maryland Farms for an interview. Not a job interview, but a DVD interview. The person who has produced Cedarville's recruiting DVDs for the last 20 or so years was coming through Nashville. He wanted people to interview, and I know the head guy in the Career Services department at the school. He recommended me and I acquiesced, knowing it would probably not be something I'd be asked to do again and wanting to experience it. He asked me a ton of questions about Cedarville, softball, what I'm doing now, whether I was prepared after graduation, and all that fun stuff. I answered as truthfully and best I could (while trying to look at him [he was yawning a lot] and trying not to rock side to side on my chair) and had fun, for just this one time. Not something I'd need to do again, but maybe I'll change my mind when the DVD comes out. Hopefully I'll get a copy of it.

I did learn that I have a lot of trouble expressing what I'm really wanting to communicate when I have no forewarning. I tried to ask what was expected of me both just before the interview and a few days ago, but neither answer was really clear. I had to ask the guy today to narrow down his questions; he asked really broad ones, and I asked for something more leading so that I could formulate a coherent thought and sentences.

Then I went to Luke's swim meet at the ISC. He did the 200 free, 500 free, and 4x100 (400 total) free relay. He made the state cut for the 200 free, had already made it for the 500, and did really well in them all. A pleasant surprise was seeing the Marables, Marreros, and Ledbetters there (and a few other familiar faces that I couldn't place, so I didn't talk to them) and being able to watch Morgan and Susanna swim. They both did well also and I enjoyed cheering for them (I wondered whether they could hear us cheering, but Susanna assured me that yes, when she flip-turns, she can hear the cheers).

Susanna was excited that I was there and said that when I make it to Hawaii, she'll come out to cheer, so I voluteered to find housing for her if she paid for the ticket. How sweet would that be if I had an entire crew come with me!! I wish I'd have had my camera with me to take some pictures. I had forgotten how energetic high schoolers are, but it didn't make me wish I'd been in swimming in high school.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

2 miles; 10 sec as many as possible

According to the list, this is a hard workout. It definitely was, and I wasn't very happy with how I did. It was 2 sets of 10 seconds, as many as possible, while still creating force (not just bracing) and with good form. Lisa helped me out on this one, because it was manual holds for the 10 seconds on.
  • Wall squat: 10 each set.
  • Lunge: 5 right, 4 left; 5 right, 4 left. I can't tell if my left leg is not as strong or if I'm just tired by that time. I probably could have created more force, but my form was going down the drain--I was leaning forward a lot on the ups. Not good!
  • Push up: 6; 5. I stopped when I couldn't push up all the way; I probably was still creating force during the hold.
  • Glute ham: 3 times, all the way up; 10 times to arm's length. Using a different bar on my ankles makes a huge difference in how I do this one.
  • Scap pull up: 7 at 100-lb assistance; 3 at 70-lb assistance. I'll get good at these some day.
To warm up, I did 2 miles on the elliptical. I can't wait until I can run again!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

10x10 sec; Zumba

There was nothing on the list today, so I went back to another day's workout and modified it. 10x10 seconds, 2 or 3 sets (indicated below).
  • Lunge with Russian lunge, 2 sets: This was a struggle, but I was really trying to lift my legs up while jumping, not just jump. I managed to land every jump on my feet, not on my knee, and for that I am happy. No bruises! But I still have a long way to go on this one; my jumps and feet were far from Will's.
  • Preacher curl, 2 sets: 30-lb bar. This was supposed to be a standing manual hold, but I just did 10 seconds, up, repeat. I probably could have done 40 lbs, at least for the first 15.
  • Glute ham, 3 sets: We tried to do reps all the way up (not just to arm's length like normal) on Saturday and I really struggled. Now I'm thinking I just wasn't using my hamstrings at all. Today I did sets of 10 with about 1:30 between, all 10 up all the way with light assistance from my arms. That felt good.
Then I decided to attend the Zumba class. It was a little of everything (Latin, Merengue, Salsa, Jazz, etc.) and didn't require a partner. Just what I need! Unfortunately I found out that I'm worse than I thought--my legs and arms don't like to work together or in opposition, and that make everything a challenge. Definitely going back. I met Catherine, and we enjoyed the back of the classroom away from the mirrors and watching eyes. Yeah, struggles. The bad thing was that we could hardly see the teacher, but the girl right in front of us knew what she was doing, so we just watched her. Thanks, whoever you are!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spin; 5 on thru 40

Lisa went to spinning this morning (she brought her bike and trainer and was loaded down!) so I decided to join her (on the spin bike). I rode behind, hopefully the only time that will be the case throughout the season! Then it was work and a little 5 on, 5 off through 40. Besides dips, this included all the ISOs I know and took 1:20 to complete (with about a 5-minute chat with Wayne, some guy who was also lifting but wondering what I was doing during the preacher curls). He asked if I knew anything that was specific for the back, which I don't think I do.
  • Lunge: Never put either knee down. Either I wasn't working hard enough or I turned a page and can finally do these all right. Whichever is the case, it's probably time to try to pull harder!
  • 1-leg squat: Standing up at each interval was hard, but I did it.
  • Glute ham: I didn't put weight on the heavy bar that was on the bench I was under, and I lifted the bench up for the first 4 intervals. I tried on every other one but it wasn't moving.
  • Standing ham: Not standing, just bending knees for 5-second off intervals.
  • Wall squat: Definitely tired from yesterday, but it still felt good to do something different than just sitting the whole time. Then again, this was only 4 minutes total (including rest intervals), not the 7 from yesterday!
  • Push up: I didn't even try to push up for each one, because I seem to remember Will saying not to (I don't remember what I've done in the past). I stayed on my feet for the first 6 and half of the last 2, but I always started on my feet.
  • Curl: 20-lb bar. I probably could have done the 30-lb bar but didn't. My legs were definitely engaged the entire time, but I was more focused on that than my lats, so I'm not sure I got the full benefit from this one.
  • Scap pull up: I added 100 lbs of assistance and still struggled. But I was able to do a pull up before each of the first 6 rest intervals.
  • Crate crunch: All as advertised.

Monday, January 19, 2009

7 minutes

Since I can't run, I'll be working hard (as I always do) on these ISOs. Today was 7 minutes of work. One of my faves!
  • Wall sit--5:02. A new record, one I don't know if I can surpass, but man did it feel good! And I was purposely trying to work harder, because I know this is the one that I feel like is the easiest. Then it was maybe 3 times up and down until the end. I wanted to conquer this one.
  • Standing extreme hamstring--Yep, worked hard on this one, too.
  • 1-leg squat--Ouch. But I actually stood up by myself after the right leg (no knee pain, now that I know how to do it correctly). 4 minutes between legs. No knee pain on the second leg, either, but I did ask someone to help me up. It took at least 4 minutes for me to start feeling my hands, arms, and face again. It's like they're asleep, but I think I get so focused on the muscles I'm supposed to be using that the rest of my muscles don't get any blood. Plus that and I couldn't turn my muscles off during the rest period.
  • Preacher curl--5-lb dumbbells, 7 minutes. Yes, I held the weight the entire time and even curled up at the end. I think I am getting stronger.
  • Push up on knees--2 minutes, sit back, 2+ more minutes (I thought I'd only be able to hold for another 1, but I just started counting and didn't stop until I'd hit at least 60. Hooray!). I think 1 or 2 more times up and down.
  • Crate crunch--7 minutes. The only thing I was thinking was that if someone came and tried to take the med ball from me, they weren't getting it.
Yeah, that was hard. There wasn't even a note saying it would be tough; I can't imagine what next week's "hard" workout is going to be--it says right on my list, "This is a hard workout." Should be fun.

I went over to Marreros' to eat dinner and try to give them some advice about running and racing and stretching. Hopefully they learned some good stuff and will succeed in racing and teaching the other little Marreros how to do it right!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

10 10 10 EDI; 4 mi

After waking up early to run 4 of my 15 @ 9:08 miles, all of which I ran at 9:04, I went back to sleep. That felt good! Then Nancy, Will, Warren, and I went to breakfast before Will and I went to work out. Partner exercises, with a partner! I was supposed to do 7 minutes of work (which I'll probably do on Monday now), but Will said I didn't have to and we did 10 10 10 EDI: 10 seconds of work with a manual hold, 10 times up and down, repeat. 2 sets.
  • Lunge: He kept telling me to go up faster but keep the violent stop and both the top and the bottom. Hmmm. And as I would get tired, I had a tendency to let my pelvis come forward, which is bad.
  • Will did a 20-second lunge with a 25-lb plate, set the plate down, then did a lunge, Russian lunge, double bounce, Russian lunge, double bounce, repeat, for 10 seconds. 3 sets, same leg. Repeat on other leg.
  • Glute ham: We tried to go all the way up--me giving slight assistance with my arms and him pushing me, and I just could not push my self all the way up. I tried 3 times before he said to do them just to arm's length. I've got to get all the way up!
  • Will did preacher curl with light bar and 25-lb plates on each side, 20 seconds; right hand altitude drop (holding under the bar with the weight removed, he pulled his hand down to his side then back up as quickly as possible to catch the bar), 10 seconds; left hand altitude drop, 10 seconds; preacher curl; repeat drops, curl, drops (3 total sets).
  • Push up: I started on my feet and pushed up most of the first 30. For the second set, I could barely push up half way, and for the last 10 (when I was hardly moving at all), he told me to put my knees down. I did, but was still working just as hard.
  • Curl: We used a light bar (5 or so pounds), and I've actually learned to work hard with that little weight (he reminded me of their towel curls again; ew). First set--he said I was getting stronger. Woohoo! I loved that encouragement, especially since I'm usually doing this on my own and can never tell whether I'm improving.
As we were getting ready to leave, I mentioned that my knees had hurt the last time I did 1-leg squats. So he asked if I wanted to do them here, I said yes, and he said OK, 5 minutes of work. Uh-oh! But I knew having him there to tell me what I was doing wrong would be very helpful.
  1. It's important to visualize lengthening your muscles. So if you visualize lengthening your quads and hamstrings, you shouldn't feel any pull in your knee because your other muscles are working correctly.
  2. It's important to squeeze your glutes. All your muscles should be engaged the entire time. I have major trouble remembering this on the glute ham raise, too; on that one, it's critical to squeeze your glutes so that your hamstrings can work correctly and your lower back doesn't try to compensate.
  3. Don't lean forward or sideways when/if you start getting tired. I had a tendency to do this as well, but I only did it on the right leg out (leaned toward my back [left] knee). When he straightened me out, I stayed there, and I really focused on staying straight on the next leg. I could tell a huge difference when I engaged my glutes--I wasn't as apt to lean forward and my knee didn't really hurt at all except for once when he was trying to make sure my right (front) leg was straight.
Some day I'll get it all right. I suggested he move to Arizona, settle there, and then I can follow him so he can train me 3 days a week. Training in that heat could only help me, right? :-)

I intended to finish my remaining 11 miles at the Y during the afternoon, but my foot has been killing me since Saturday morning. The blister that was there is getting increasingly worse and the front half of the top of my right foot is currently swollen. I'm hoping it's nothing and that it goes away soon; it's making walking very painful, to say nothing of running! Oh, well. 7 minutes of work on Monday, and I'll do it.

I watched a little hockey at night. It was a good game, even though the IceMen lost.

Will (#16) warming up

Warren (#10, light blue) and Will (#16, dark blue) both played great; I love these boys!

I was so proud of Warren and Will's composure throughout the game and at the end when a few fights broke out. True ambassadors for Christ, those two. Bill likes to say they're trying to bring Christ into a godless environment.

Warren and Will are in the back talking about how they weren't up for fighting

Will out-skating the competition. And his line-mates. At least he was on a better line than he had been on.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I took today off to go watch some IceMen Hockey, so after work I headed up to Evansville to cheer for Will and Warren, my two brothers in Christ who were playing against each other. Nancy was there too, but I didn't see her until the end.

Will's in the middle; they were announcing everyone involved with the IceMen--except the players.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

10x30 sec manual holds

Thanks to Lisa for helping me out on this one! Plus it was great to be able to see her again, since I haven't ridden with her in forever and probably haven't seen her since early December. But since she was at the gym and didn't have too much to do besides watch her kids in swim lessons, I roped her into helping me and doing some of the stuff with me. Hooray!
  • Lunge with Russian Lunge: On the right leg, I think she held me at least 7 intervals. My Russian lunge still leaves a lot to be desired--I'm really only jumping, not lifting my legs. The 8th one was by far the hardest on this leg; I could not get off the ground. I made her pause the timer until I did it (which I did). On the left leg, I think she held me for 4 intervals. The jumping was harder still, but I manged to get off the ground on every one and landed maybe all but 3 total (I repeated 1 because I wasn't happy). I'm hoping this will help my sprinting.
  • Push up (no hold): I could push all the way up for the first 5; for the last 3, I barely moved and my hands kept slipping off the dumbbells so I had to reset myself.
  • Glute ham (no hold): Reps to arm's length. My focus on this one was to keep myself engaged the entire time; Will said that last time, I was letting off just slightly at the top and the bottom, and I didn't want to do that. I'm having to use my arms less and less and am encouraged by that.
  • Curl: 20-lb bar. Even though we were talking the entire time, I managed to keep track of the 10 intervals and curled up all the way on every one. That felt good with the 20-lb bar!
Then I sat in the hot tub forever. I was freezing that entire time--my toes were white even though we were inside at the Y. I'm going to have to break out the Toastie Toes tonight.

I joined Inversion for a little supper and the Preds game at Cabana in Nashville. The food was OK. I didn't know anyone but Jonathan, Ray, and Jen, so I met 4 people (Sarah, Nick, Rosh, and Leanna), talked with Sarah a lot, and watched the Predators. I've mostly been watching minor league players (the AAHA, and the IceMen specifically) and only listening to the Preds on the radio. I was surprised (but probably shouldn't have been) at the huge difference in speed and hustle of the pros versus the minors. The quality of play and of players at the different leagues is drastic--not something you want to find out the hard way!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

7-mi run

Today was a short run (one-quarter of a marathon) at marathon pace. That was an increase of 20+ seconds per mile from last week's 13-mile run. I thought last week I'd be able to up the pace no problem, but I realized today I'll need the next 14 weeks to get to that distance at that pace. It also could have been that my stomach was trying to rebel while I was running. Now I know what people go through when they say they can't run during the Ironman. But I tried to push through.

  1. 9:22 warmup
  2. 8:20.51
  3. 8:20.92
  4. 8:24.64
  5. 8:13.35
  6. 8:13.25
  7. Cooldown ended up being super short because I lost my treadmill, got on a different one in the cardio theater, and hated the movie that was on. I lasted 3 minutes before I left.

Overall this felt like a very productive run. The pace was supposed to be 8:23 but that wasn't an option on the treadmill; it was either 8:20 (7.2) or 8:28 (7.1). I didn't want to run over, so I ran under and felt good. That's about all I have to say for today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

3x30 sec heavy; Rowing

I'm pretty sure I never go as heavy as I can; I'm convinced because I could do more reps after the 3rd one when I should pretty much be maxed out (it's supposed to be as heavy as possible, after all). At least I try to make it heavy.
  • Lunge: heavy bar with a 25-lb plate on each side. I could actually stand up with the bar for 3 of the 6 (all right leg). For the other ones, I just dropped the bar with the weight on the safety bars that I put up because I know I'll drop them. For this one, I might be able to add weight but probably wouldn't be able to stand up, but I like knowing that someone behind me would catch the bar (or me) if necessary. 12-19: 25 lb plates for the first, but then none for the rest. 12-02: 25-lb plates but I couldn't stand up for any of them. So I guess I'm making progress (I didn't have a chance to look at my previous logs before I started this workout). Ooh, I actually got my heart rate up on this one and was happy to stand on the wall for 2 minutes after I was done. I could have been done here and felt like I had gotten a good workout (even though I probably could have added more weight).
  • Glute ham: no weight. I could actually lift myself up off the ground, for all 3 sets! That's really encouraging, and I was really trying to squeeze and pull with my glutes and not my lower back.
  • Standing extreme hamstring: 45-lb weight. That's as heavy as the plates go, and I'm not sure I could comfortably carry a 50-lb dumbbell (I'm sure I could hold it for this exercise, though). In any case, I pulled to lengthen my hamstrings as much as I possibly could--pretty soon my head will be able to touch the ground!
  • Wall squat: 30-lb dumbbells. 11-18: 25-lb dumbbells. Next time I'll have to try more weight. I just don't think holding the weight in my hands is affecting how my legs are holding me up on the wall. Wall squats are typically my easiest, even though I really try to work hard.
  • Push up on feet: 35-lb plate. 12-2: same weight. I easily stayed on my feet the entire time, but I could not push up with the weight still on my back.
  • Preacher curl (seated): 22-lb bar. I can definitely hold more weight, but I can't move it when I'm holding it and don't want to drop it on my legs. This is one where a partner would be fabulous. So after the 3x30, I did another 1-min hold interval, just because I could.
  • Crate crunch: 45-lb plate. Holding that much weight after the previous arm exercises was definitely a challenge. 12-3: same weight. 11-18: 35-lb plate.
I warmed up (definitely needed it--it was about 35* today and it's time for me to move farther south) on the rowing machine for 15 minutes: 3,092 meters, 172 calories.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Oops...I slightly misread what I was supposed to run today. I thought it was four 800s in 3:23 with a 1-minute rest interval (RI); it was actually supposed to be a 2-min RI. I don't know whether that would have helped me reach my goal time or not. Consistency was not my strong point today. I ran these outside--1-mile warm up around my complex, 0.5 miles on the straight stretch (with a few little hills both ways), walked to recover for each 1-min RI, and ran a 10-min cool down. It ended up being 4.25 miles in 38 minutes.
  • First half: 3:34.93
  • Second half: 3:31.13
  • Third half: 3:25.35
  • Fourth half: 3:33.57
  • Variance: 9 seconds
I never made my goal; I guess I have a ways to go. I thought I pushed as hard as I could, but surely I can cut off between 2 and 11 seconds in a half-mile run, right?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 6 3 EDI

Considering that it's currently 34*, there's no riding outside today. That mean another day off my bike, but I'm not really looking to get back outside in this weather. Yeah, I definitely need to move farther south.

This week was all partner exercises; I can't wait until this weekend when I can workout with Will again! Once every 2 weeks is not enough.... 10 6 3 EDI (10 seconds, deepest position possible; 10 times fast up and down; 10 seconds, deepest position possible; 6 times fast up and down; 10 seconds, deepest position possible; 3 times fast up and down).
  • Lunge with bar on shoulders: 2 sets. I used the light bar because I wanted to be able to do the entire thing without having to let go of the bar, and I did. Hooray! I definitely stepped in on my left leg, but I tried to adjust before I started the timer so that it was straight for the entire time.
  • Glute ham raise: 2 sets. I forgot on the first set to squeeze my glutes, but I actually felt like I was using my arms less and my legs more, especially on the first 10.
  • Wall squat: 3 sets. This one seems too easy--like I'm really not working hard at all.
  • Push up on feet: 2 sets. I started on my feet both times, but I absolutely could not push up while on my feet. So I switched to my knees and pushed up all the way for the entire first set. Then I made it all the way up for the first 5 of the next set but pushed up as much as I could for the remaining ones. I really feel like I should be able to push all the way up and get frustrated when I can't.
  • Scap pull up: I added 100 lbs of help. I can't go all the way down and pull up without doing weird things with my arms that make Will scoff. So I didn't go down all the way, but I think that's the wrong approach.
  • Curl: 20-lb bar for first set, 30-lb bar for second set. The last 3 were HARD!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

13-mile run; beginning nutrition tests

For breakfast, around 8am, I had 2 scrambled eggs and a couple bites of a banana (which hadn't digested by the time I started running at 9:30. Although it was around 50* outside, it had been raining all night and was still threatening rain if not raining, so I went over to the Cool Springs Y to set a new personal record for consecutive miles on the treadmill: 13, plus 0.5 cool down. My instructions said, "13 mi @ 8:53." For some reason, I remembered that as "13 mi @ 8:48," so an 8:48 average is what I was aiming for. On the treadmill, I ran at 6.8 mph, or 8:49 min per mile:
  • 1—8:59 (including warm up)
  • 2—8:48
  • 3—8:48
  • 4—8:49
  • 5—8:48
  • 6—8:48
  • 7—8:49
  • 8—8:48
  • 9—8:46
  • 10—8:44 (increased to 6.9 at the 10-min interval for 1+ minute)
  • 11—8:25 (increased to 6.9 at the mile for 1+ minute and at the 10-min interval)
  • 12—8:48
  • 13—8:29 (1:53:39 total at 13 miles)
  • Cool down—6:21
  • Total time: 2 hours
  • Total miles: 13.5
  • Total calories (according to the treadmill; I had no HR monitor on): 1,600+
I was actually glad I was on a treadmill because I maintained a steady pace. I really wanted to be done at mile 10, but the treadmill made me keep moving. And I kept telling myself to go. Will says to think about winning, so I pretended I was in a race and that I was being paced by the guy next to me. Also, I knew I had to do it. If I quit early today, the first long run in my current 16-week marathon training guide, there really wouldn't be anything keeping me from quitting in the subsequent weeks (especially when the runs get longer, but hopefully I'll get outside for runs longer than 10 miles from now on). I didn't want to quit; I wanted to succeed and win! The last two miles I tried to pick up the pace slightly to push myself to the end of the 13.

An 8:48 pace was definitely maintainable and I should have no trouble with that for an entire marathon. Unfortunately it's still not at the competitive level, nor will it get me to the finish line in 3:40:00 (Boston qualifying time; 8:23 pace. I wonder why I was running under that pace?), but it's definitely a step in the right direction. Physically, I know I can maintain that pace; can I also maintain an 8:23 pace? I have to remember to start with the correct pace group and stay with them until the end--even if I feel like giving up!

I had a 20-oz water bottle, 1 oz of almonds, and a bottle with 1 Tbsp honey and 5 oz water with me. I ran with the little bottle in my pocket so that I could get used to running with something. I'm also glad I did because it mixed up the honey/water well. I'm not sure that it really did anything nutrition-wise, though. I had another 4-6 oz water at mile 10 and again about 1.5 miles later. When I finished, I drank most of the rest of my water bottle and ate the almonds (it was getting close to noon and I was hungry!). About 20 minutes later, I had a 10-oz smoothie (protein powder, bananas, chocolate Ensure, almond butter, and milled flax seeds). Besides that my body decided not to fully digest everything (the banana bites from breakfast, mainly) until mile 6 when I had to take a bathroom break, I felt great. I will have good blisters on my foot, but that's normal.

The whole time, I was trying to do everything correctly (although I'm sure I forgot to think about breathing right most of the time; I did breathe, though!). I didn't succeed 100% of the time, because every time I would consciously tighten my core I would move up on the treadmill. That tells me that I could be running faster if I use my core correctly.

10 6 3 EDI is on my list for today, but because the Titans are playing this afternoon and I ran hard this morning, I will probably put that off tomorrow so that I'll have something to do in the afternoon. That and I probably won't get a new schedule until Tuesday, so I can either take Monday off or run sprints (or maybe get on my bike...hah!).

Thursday, January 8, 2009

4.5 mi; 10 10 10 EDI

On the way to class, I stopped at Tampa Bay Downs, the race track around here, and got a few pictures of the jockeys on their horses. I had forgotten how big horses are! When I drove into the parking lot, the attendant asked what I was doing. I said I wanted to watch, and he said I could but I couldn't drive up to the fence. He didn't want my car alarm going off or my starting the car to spook the horses. They might throw the rider off and kill them! It was only a short watch, but it was cool watching them practice!

At lunch, I took a walk around the building to enjoy the sun and saw Charlie! When my family visits Siesta Key every other year, this egret always comes to visit us. Years ago we named it Charlie, and I just know this is the same bird, just coming to make me feel at home!

After class today, I came back to the hotel to run while it was still slightly light and comfortable outside.
  • Distance: 4.5 miles
  • Time: 35:45
  • Pace: 7:48
  • Elevation and route:

Today's run focus was not turning my knees in (the whole 90* thing), and as much as I noticed that of course it feels more natural, it definitely feels weird. Unfortunately I'll probably be getting blisters on my feet until I get used to doing this right. It could be my shoes, though (Zoot; meant to be worn with no socks).

Then I took a break to go to Moe's for supper and some studying. After that break, I hit the hotel's workout room for 10 10 10 EDI:
  • Lunge: Really focused on stepping straight; definitely worse when stepping with my left leg (I forgot which leg I was on during the second set and almost did it wrong; oops!). I waited until I was in the deepest position possible to start the timer (10 seconds, 10 up-and-downs, 10 seconds, 10 up-and-downs, 10 seconds, 10 up-and-downs; repeat two times).
  • Glute ham: Still at the hotel, so I had to do standing extreme ham. I wasn't sure about the up-and-downs on this one, so I did 1 minute x2 on this one.
  • Wall squat: 2 sets. Keep shins perpendicular to the ground the entire time, and use the entire foot.
  • Push up on knees: For the first set, I was able to push all the way up for the first 15 and halfway up for the last 15 (way huge improvement from Tuesday). For the second set, I was able to push all the way up for the first 5, halfway up for the next 5, and negligibly for the last 20. But I made as much of an effort as I could; I really wanted to push all the way up!
  • Scap pull up: Lat pull down instead, pulling down as far as I could for each up-and-down.
  • Curl: 5-lb dumbbells (Will's note says light bar). If he can do these with a towel and get a workout, I can do it with 5 lbs and get a workout. And I worked hard! I even kept my legs engaged the entire time!
The first thing I noticed what that this was in the same order and was the same exercises as I had done on Tuesday. I thought maybe I'd done it wrong then, but then I saw that all three of the days this week are the same exercises (with slight variations) in the same order. I wonder why.

Tomorrow I'm testing (aiming to pass, which means I'll probably be up early to study; I can't sleep anyway, so no big deal there) and then heading to the beach! Hopefully it won't be cold and I can enjoy some sun.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wisdom and Seduction in Proverbs

Proverbs 7:1-3 My daughter, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

The rest of this proverb goes on to explain how a young man was seduced by a married woman. Lord, help me not be anything like that woman; help me to encourage, build up, support, and draw young men closer to you and possible into a relationship with You through my words and actions. Help me not to be any of the following (and if I am, please convict me, forgive me, and help me to turn around and repent and not commit those sins again—I do not want to be far from You because of my sins and refusal to repent):
  • Dressed like a prostitute (10)
  • With crafty intent (10)
  • Loud and defiant (11–12)
  • Never staying at home (11–12)
  • Brazen; prepared for a lover (13, 14–18)
  • Unfaithful (19–20)
  • With persuasive words (21)
  • Leading others astray (21)
  • Seducing with smooth talk (21)
  • Having many victims (26)
  • Slaying a mighty throng (26)
  • Having a house that’s a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death (27)

Unplanned Rest Day

Since I haven't been sleeping well, I decided to try to sleep in this morning (I succeeded after I woke up to my first alarm, reset it, and then woke up again later). I got up for class, went for the morning session, and then felt sick and came back to the hotel to sleep the afternoon away.

When I finally woke up, I did a couple things for work, read the paper, then headed toward New Port Richey and my grandparents' house. My aunts and uncle (most of the Achesons) were there, and we went out to eat at Tarpon Turtle Grill and Marina Restaurant. It was pretty good, but it's hard to get a cheeseburger wrong. The company was fantastic, though!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As I've said so many times before, I love doing partner exercises with a partner. That's even more enhanced after I've recently done one (Saturday with Will). I'm hoping to be able to work out some with Lisa once we both get our schedules figured out. So instead of 10x10sec manual holds, I did only 10x10 seconds. Not that it was easy....

2 sets, 10x10seconds:
  • Lunge R, L: I was really focused on keeping my front knee and leg at a 90* angle.
  • Glute ham: I did standing extreme ham instead; I started under a bench, but I kept moving the bench and lifting it up, so I switched.
  • Wall squat
  • Push up (on feet when able): The first 5 in each set were on my feet. However, I really couldn't push up quickly, so I went up only has high as I could. I'm not going to lie: I was getting really frustrated with this one because I couldn't push up.
  • Scap pull up (feel on ground when needed): Since I'm still at the hotel and push up and curl were both already on the list, I did the lat pull down instead. I'd like to think it worked the same muscles.
  • Curl (light bar): No bar and no partner here, so I used 10-lb dumbbells instead.
I also ran 2 miles this morning before work. I'm going to have to up the mileage soon to get on track for the marathon/Ironman! Then I went to class (where we 3 students and the teacher stayed from 8am until 6:30pm), drove to Sun Groves, which is an orange grove store that also has good ice cream. Suzcan from the front desk recommended it to me, so I went and had to try some of the orange ice cream. It was very good! I tried to find the Moe's that I'd noticed last night, but I didn't go down far enough and didn't want to go back because there had been an accident. Unfortunately I had to settle for Wendy's and the veggies from my fridge.

Ralph said something very interesting: He interviews for jobs just for the experience. He's not interested in doing an actual IT job--he loves teaching. But he likes to interview for various position so that he can know what's expected in his field and so that he can know how to react. He also wants to know what his students should expect when they finish his class, get a cert, and start working (or proceed through their companies' corporate ladders). Is there anything like that that I can do to help me improve as an editor, to help me understand what our users should be expecting, to help me make more of an impact for Boson? Is there anything like that that I can do that will help me be more of a light for Christ, spreading His hope and the truth of His love for us in the circle that I'm in?

Monday, January 5, 2009

5 on, 5 off thru 40; 3+ mi run

I think I'm finally starting to understand the whole "lifting and lowering your legs with your hamstrings and glutes" concept. There is a marked difference in how fast my feet hit the ground when I lift higher. And of course, when my feet hit faster, I move faster. I definitely will continue working on that, now that I sort of know how it feels. I also was watching Will on Saturday--when he was doing RLs and every time he got on the ice, he did the same thing. So he transferred the same movements (and probably the same feelings) from practice/training to the competition.

Today was 5 on, 5 off through 40 seconds (actually, this was Saturday's, but Will had more fun things for me to do).
  • Wall squat
  • 1-leg squat, both legs (this still pulled my knee like I mentioned earlier; I didn't ask Will about that this weekend. Hopefully we'll have another time.)
  • Glute ham: I did standing extreme ham instead, since I'm at a hotel and have limited equipment access.
  • Scap pull up: I had no pullup bar, so I did more of a lat pull down. I asked Will for a substitute, and he said that push up (since curl is already on the list) would be a good one. Unfortunately, he told me that too late, so I'll just have to remember that if there's a next time.
  • Curl: 10-lb dumbbells.
I just don't feel like I worked very hard. I mean, I was sweating afterward, but I wasn't really tired and felt like I could do them all over again. I thought I was making myself work, but maybe not. I wish I could, at least weekly, work out with someone. Oh, well, it's not going to happen now.

I had class all day, so I didn't even get to enjoy the 75+ degree weather. I did look outside a couple times, though. We finished around 5:45, and I headed out to Honeymoon Island, where there is a state park.

I was hoping to run along the beach, but the sun was already setting as I was driving, and by the time I arrived the park had closed. So I took a picture of the sign, drove back 1.7 miles, then got out and ran. Partway through, I got stopped by a boat going under the drawbridge that they had to raise and stopped the watch.
  • Out: 12:46
  • In: 12:46
Well, it was nothing if not consistent!

This is where I was running, but I couldn't see any of it. In fact, I could barely see the water from my car when I was parked on the beach.

It was quite hazy.

Honeymoon Island, Dunedin, Florida

Honeymoon Island, Dunedin, Florida

I don't know why, but today I was feeling particularly lonely. Perhaps lack of sleep, less food than normal, and being away from home have something to do with it. The being away from home thing I'm not sure about. I mean even if I were at home, I would still be in my apt. alone. So what made today different? I was pretty much clinging to every word Will and Allison texted. Even running and driving was lonely. There's only so much one can do by herself and still enjoy. I wish I had a traveling companion (although I know I have Jesus with me, the best friend and traveling companion in [and out of] the world) who could drive to Honeymoon Island with me, who could watch the owl or hawk perch, who could run with me, who could sit in the hot tub with me and listen while I bare my soul.

I probably could have answered more openly when Will asked me where I want to go, but I really don't think he cares and I didn't want to bore them. I still would really love to live near him so that I can have him to workout with. Having someone push me would be so beneficial. And him, knowing all he does, being near would be ideal for me as far as working out goes. But I know that I would like him more even though I'm sure he's not interested in me--I'm much more plain (not a blond cheerleader or dancer or model) and less social (people wear me out physically and mentally) than any girl he's dated. But I really have no idea where I stand with him; he have never talked about it, but as much as I like him, I more so (at least now) consider him a brother, which he is (thankfully).

God, I desperately want to obey You. I do not want my feet, lips, mouth, gaze, heart, or eyes to ever turn from you. Thank You for creating the owl, the sea and dry land, man to inhabit the earth and glorify You. Thank You for the skills You've given me. Help me to multiply my talents wisely to bring glory to Your name.

I know I'm feeling restless, but I don't know if that's because I'm tired, on vacation (Hawaii then Florida), or lonely (Allison just moved, Lisa's on another team, and Will's going back to AZ when he can), or if it's because You want me somewhere else. Help me to be ope to staying or leaving to go anywhere; I want to be obedient to Your word no matter what. Thank You for Bill and Nancy, who have people their lives for me to see and who are becoming friends (yet leaving in March). I definitely why I don't make more friends (although there would be a higher probability of more staying around here...and of more moving); it's so hard saying goodbye when they move and I know I will rarely if ever see them again. God, give me peace so that I can rest in You and understand that You alone have the answers and know what's best for me, Your daughter. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sins. Give me courage to never neglect an opportunity to share that truth and Your hope with others.

Proverbs 5:21-23 For man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own folly.

Proverbs 16:1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I dreamed today that Nancy fell asleep while driving and drove off to the left toward a driveway. The car came to stop against something, but it wasn't an accident. Neither of us was hurt, but she refused to let me drive. I also dreamed something happened to Will. He either wanted to avenge Warren (I don't know why) or wanted to get revenge on the coach who has been treating him so poorly (the more likely option, but not like him). I did not want to write the dreams down when I woke up because I didn't want to remember them. Mainly that's because I know something bad happened to Will.

Do dreams really mean anything? I know that's why I didn't want to write it down. We had been talking a little about dreams on the drive from Evansville. God, how do I know whether my dreams, I think all being from you, mean anything and have any importance/value/foreshadowing? Mainly they are somehow related to my day or days before, but could there be more?

This dream, for instance: Nancy and I drove home late, eating veggies to stay awake. I offered to drive, but she said she was doing fine and went the whole way. To me, her eyes looked tired, but, Thank You, Lord, we made it home safely. Nancy mentioned that Will has super long (sometimes prophetic) dreams, whereas she has short ones. Will's coach has relegated him to 3rd line, no captain, because Warren wanted to be traded.

Everything in my dream relates back to what I just wrote.

Proverbs 4:23–27 Above all else, guard your HEART, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your MOUTH; keep corrupt talk from your LIPS. Let your EYES look straight ahead, fix your GAZE directly before you. Make level paths for your FEET and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your FOOT from evil.

Still Thinking...

I just don't know. They are so godly, faithful, believing, faith-full, obedient, open, loving, convinced. I love listening and learning, and Nancy said somethings yesterday that I have to search the Scriptures about. Among other things, I remember the following:
  1. Esther (and the other virgins) would have had to sexually please the king during her one night.
  2. She speaks in tongues and obviously believes it's still being used today as a way of praising God.
  3. Paul's thorn in the flesh could have been the people around him who were persecuting him. This made me wonder whether there are any examples in the Bible of someone who asked/prayed to be healed and was not.
  4. When they are in the midst of praise and worship (which I understand to be singing/prophesying/speaking in tongues), gold dust appears (Will gets bigger pieces than she does and she wonders why) and sometimes gemstones (perfect) appear. Can this be a manifestation of God as sort of an earthly reward for their praise of Him? Is God glorified through it? If so, wouldn't it of course be from Him? Would Satan do something like that that allows God to be glorified and that magnifies His name?
  5. She is involved in healing ministries, where people ARE healed and she says that people are raised from the dead.
  6. She prophesies a lot, and random people have prophesied over Will, saying that scouts will see him and his face will be in magazines. (They thought it was for hockey, but recently someone was more specific and said it would be in movies.) How do we know whether that's from God? There is specific criteria in the Bible regarding prophecy, and prophets, for determining whether it is from the Lord (there were multiple false prophets in the Bible). 1 John 4:1–3; Isaiah 8:20; Deuteronomy 13:1–5; Deuteronomy 18:20
    • Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. (His human body was physically real.)
      • Ask the person what they know and believe about Jesus, but don't put words in his or her mouth.
    • Every spirit that does NOT confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is NOT of God.
    • If they do not speak according tot his word [the law and the testimony], it is because there is no light in them.
      • The Bible does not address every issue specifically. It does, however, address a variety of issues and how we are to live as God's children. Look at the general and specific issues.
    • A prophet or dreamer may give you a sign or wonder. If he speaks or gives such in order to turn you away from God, he should be put to death.
      • Am I following a person or the Lord?
      • Walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to them.
      • You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
    • If a thing spoken in the name of the Lord does not happen or come to pass, the Lord has not spoken that; you shall not be afraid of that prophet.
      • If a prophet today says that something will happen on such a date and it does not occur, do you still listen to that prophet?
      • Can a prophet today prophesy and be believed if he does not say, "In the name of the Lord"?
    • The prophet who presumes to speak a word in God's name, which He has not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, the prophet shall dies.
      • The time of death is not specific.
      • They must speak God's word.
  7. She thinks that the Left Behind series is a good fiction work.
    • Rapture first, then 7 years, then millennial reign
      • How will people come to know Jesus?
      • I said it will be those who knew (saber) God but didn't know (conocer) Him who then believe and confess that He is Lord and make Him the Lord of their lives. They then spread that truth to others.
The number 1 criterion is saying that Jesus has come in the flesh (physical human form). If that spirit (demonic spirits, who produce false prophets and false teachers to propagate their false doctrine) confesses that truth, it is from God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:6)
  • The personal, bodily return of Christ before the 7-year tribulation: John 14:1–3; I Corinthians 3:11–15; II Corinthians 5:10; I Thessalonians 4:15–5:11
  • Between the rapture and Christ's return with the saints, believers are rewarded according to their works: Matthew 25:41; John 5:28–29; Revelation 20:11–15
Remember that prophecy can include foretelling (what hasn't yet happened but will) and forthtelling (what has already been spoken and needs to be brought up again).

Revelation 3:10 I also will keep you [Philadelphia, the faithful church] from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:24–27; Matthew 24:21; John 14:1–3; I Corinthians 15:51–52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–17; ; II Thessalonians 2:1; Titus 2:13; Revelation 7:14, 11:2–3, 12:6, 12:14, 13:5, 20:4–6

Saturday, January 3, 2009

3-mi run; 10x10sec manual holds

This morning was only 3 miles again (although this time that's because it was all I had time for). I did change it up slightly by using the elliptical instead of the treadmill.
  • 8:49
  • 8:27
  • 8:16
I definitely like trying to increase the pace as I go, but if I could start at 8:00 and increase from there I think I'd be happier.

It felt like it had been forever since I'd gotten to work out with Will, and I was so happy for some gym time with him! He had some things to show me that I'll need to know for the next progression, so his mom and I headed up to Evansville for the day.

10x10 second manual holds; 2 sets
  • Russian lunge R: I had done this one once before, but he tried to explain it to me through texting and I wasn't quite sure how to do it right. After every interval, you jump as high as you can and lift your legs as high has you can. So you're trying to get high off the ground and also lift your legs; the higher you lift your legs, the faster they come back to the ground. Then you catch yourself and begin the next interval. When I started getting tired, I tended to lean forward a lot. He had to tell me keep my torso erect. He also said to just keep doing it, even if you don't think you can. Because if you don't think you can, you'll favor those muscles and then not do it even close to correctly. Even if you can't get high off the ground, do it the same way every time.
  • Russian lunge L: Same as before, only I leaned forward way more on these (first and second set). The other thing he said was to make sure that my front knee is absolutely straight out from my body; there should be NO angling in. Your body likes to work at 90* angles, and that interior hip angle should be 90* just like everything else. I mentioned that I tend to run on the outsides of my feet (especially as I get tired), and he said that being especially aware of that angle should help combat some of that (so that I'll walk/run on my whole foot, not the outside of it). I definitely ended up with a bruise on my right knee from when I would (not) land some of the jumps. I'm pretty sure I just forgot to turn it on at the bottom, to, which means I was relaxing while in the air. Bad!
  • Glute ham: reps to arm's length. I said that last time I did this, I felt like I was using only my arms to push me up (when they are in push up position, which I definitely hadn't been in until he made me move); he assured me that as I get stronger, I'll need only limited assistance from my arms (he still needs some, but definitely limited). So I asked him to watch to make sure I was doing it right. He had me pull my stomach in as much as possible and then watched. Every one that he said was "good" or "better" was one that I felt like I was using only my arms. On the others, I was trying to use less of my arms and more of my hamstrings (the purpose of the exercise!).
  • Bench press: bar only (which I let go of while putting it back on the rack; he got on me for that one, saying never to let go of it until it's on the rack--he was holding it! The second time, I didn't let go until it was back up). Chest up, bar just below chest. Breathe through nose and abdomen, not chest. Basically it should feel like a push up. When the manual hold is over, there should be no hesitation before pushing up. When coming back down, it's OK to go slowly to make sure you're pulling it into the right position.
Will was full of good advice today. When I was doing the glute ham raise, he noticed that I had a tendency to relax slightly at the top and bottom of each interval. There should be no relaxing; there should be the same amount of work throughout. I'll definitely have to watch that on every exercise. Also, the knee thing on the lunge he said is especially important on the ISOs (5 or 7 minute ones, for example). That's when I can really look at it and make sure it's straight and not angled in.

Also, he said that honey might be a good substitute for gu and dried fruit might be a good substitute for power bars and such. His people down in Arizona recommended that and said that they've heard similar complaints and concerns from other endurance athletes. I know I mentioned that it's hard not to eat the power bars and gus and such while racing because that's all they offer, and it's really hard to carry various other items while you're running. But I could definitely try honey (and maybe a little water) in one of my fuel belt bottles and some baggies with dried fruits in them--that might just require a pocketed jersey. I am so grateful that he wants to help me succeed.

While I was resting between my exercises, Will was doing stuff too. He did 6 6 6 EDI Russian lunge with a 45-lb bar. He held the bar, I held him; then I took the bar at 10 seconds and he did his 6 jumps. I barely got off the ground--his legs were so high! This boy puts me to shame in the gym. Then I gave him the bar back and we repeated. Every single one of his 18 (then another 18 for the other leg) was exactly as high as the previous, and #18 was just the same as #1. Now that I've watched him I know what I have to aim for. After that it was 6 6 6 EDI bench press with 35 lbs on each side. I think he could have pushed me up with the bar.

After we worked out (no shower; ew!), we went to Longhorn for lunch/dinner. Then Will wanted to go home and nap, so Nancy and I went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Although long (with previews, nearly 3 hours), it was very well done. I won't highly recommend it because of all the sex and relationships outside of the marriage covenant, but it has a great story line (I could easily follow it but never really knew where it would end up) and can be a thinking movie if you're in that mood. Otherwise it could be a good crying movie if you're in that mood; the writers and producers did a great job of developing the characters.

We read a little before Will's game, which was interesting to say the least. The 4th team in his league, the Detroit Dragons team, folded recently and so was unable to come down to play. They pulled together a men's league team, gave them red jerseys, put "D" on the front of their jerseys, and called them "the Dragons" all night. Will's team won, 15-4. He played really well, had 2 assists, was +1, won nearly every face off, and yet was relegated to the third line. He had been on the first line, starting center, and captain, and in the span of a week for no reason other than that his friend who'd gone to play for the Icemen with him wanted to be (and got) traded he got moved way down. Not the most fair situation, but it didn't keep him from skating his best (even if the others on his line couldn't communicate and wouldn't pass back to him). He had a couple great shots on goal, but just couldn't bury. Fortunately he wasn't too distressed after the game. Who knows whether he might be coming home tomorrow and I'll have a workout partner again until he takes off for Arizona...which I forgot to mention as a state where I know someone. Maybe that could be an option.