Who and What I DO NOT Want to Be - a backbiter
- a busybody
- a drunkard
- a fornicator
- a gossip, saying things I ought not
- a liar
- a hater of God
- a lover of money
- a lover of pleasure
- a lover of self
- a murderer
- a reviler (destroying others with words)
- a thief
- a whisperer
- a wrongdoer
- adulterous
- alienated from life
- always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
- an extortioner (stealing indirectly)
- an inventor of evil things
- blasphemous
- blind of heart
- boastful
- brutal
- cheating
- contentious
- covetous
- cowardly
- deceived
- despising good
- disobedient
- disobedient to parents
- filled with all unrighteousness
- foolish
- full of deceit and evil-mindedness
- full of envy, murder, and strife
- given over to lewdness
- hateful toward others
- haughty
- having a form of godliness but denying its power
- having outbursts of wrath
- having selfish ambitions
- headstrong
- heretical
- homosexual
- idle
- idolatrous
- jealous
- led away by lust
- lewd
- living in malice and evil
- loaded down with sins
- loving falsehood
- malicious
- past feeling/apathetic
- practicing falsehood
- practicing magic arts
- proud
- serving lusts and pleasures
- sexually immoral
- slanderous
- traitorous
- unbelieving
- unclean
- undiscerning
- unforgiving
- unholy
- unloving
- unmerciful
- unthankful
- untrustworthy
- vile
- violent
- wandering about from house to house
- weak-willed/gullible
- wicked
- with a darkened understanding of God
- without self-control
- working uncleanness with greediness
Who and What I DO NOT Want
- all of the above plus
- creeping into households
- disapproving concerning the truth
- full of folly
- making captives of gullible women
- of a corrupt mind
- resisting the truth
Romans 1:28–32
1 Corinthians 6:9–10
1 Timothy 5:13
2 Timothy 3:2–9
Titus 3:3
Ephesians 4:17–19
Galatians 5:19–21
Revelation 21:8, 22:15